Before Going To Bed: Read Instead Of Looking Down The Tube

If you enable your child to read before bed every night and to discover the world of dreams, you are giving them a wonderful gift that will promote their psychological, emotional and physical well-being. 
Before going to bed: Read instead of looking inside the tube

If you enable your child to read before bed every night and to discover the world of dreams, you are giving them a wonderful gift that will promote their psychological, emotional and physical well-being.

There is nothing better than ending the day with a pleasant read. Reading has innumerable benefits, so: Make it a habit for your child to enjoy bedtime reading instead of looking down the tube.

We all know the importance of reading. This makes your child curious and open to new knowledge and experiences. But do you practice reading with your children  before they go to bed ?

Any age and any moment is perfect to start with. Reading leads to important and very positive changes in the brain. Even before your child is able to do so, you have to encourage them accordingly.

Be a role model yourself, because your offspring will imitate you. You are his most important caregiver and can encourage his curiosity and enjoyment of reading by getting yourself excited about it.

Forced reading is not fun. This is why you need to start getting your child interested early on. It should discover new worlds while reading and enjoy this time. The time before bed is perfect for introducing this habit.

Then we have a few tips for you to open up the fantasy world of books to your child:

Before going to bed: a good book to relax

Start by reading to your baby. Sit down next to him and read him stories, even if he doesn’t understand them yet. They will love to listen to you and gradually fall asleep.

If your child is a little older, they can look at the pictures in the book while you read to them. Once they learn to read in school, your child can read to you. It is important not to lose this habit!

Take 15 to 20 minutes of time for your child in the evening! Dive into the magical world of entertaining stories together.

Reading before going to bed

An interesting study by the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center shows that reading aloud in a relaxed voice stimulates the child’s neural development. 

  • This promotes cognitive processes. Among other things, the ability to concentrate and active listening are improved with this habit.
  • The relaxed reading with a warm, relaxed and curious voice  makes it possible to build up a more intensive relationship with small babies.
  • The maternal or paternal voice is important for a deep bond and at the same time promotes the development of language and communication. It should not be forgotten that this also favors the child’s imagination. 
  • It was also found  that reading aloud stimulates the occipital lobe of children. This area of ​​the brain is closely related to vision, which came as a surprise to the scientists.
  • The explanation for this is very simple: children visualize what they hear in the stories. They visualize the individual scenes, which promotes the formation of neural connections in a wide variety of brain areas,  especially in those that are important for visual skills.

    Reading before going to bed

    Screen devices off and a good book before going to sleep!

    Watching TV every now and then isn’t bad. Children should also be able to use a computer or tablet at times. You can also play with your mother or father’s cell phone when you have the opportunity. But this should be kept within limits. 

    What role do new technologies then play in education? You can no longer imagine them without them, but you should control them.

    First of all, you should be a good role model yourself. There is no point in telling your child that smartphones are not good if you are constantly messing with them yourself. Your child will imitate you!

    We have a few tips for you to develop a passion for good reading, so that your children have the opportunity and slowly learn to find a balance between different activities themselves.

    A good book before going to bed!

    • After dinner, about two hours before going to bed, all display devices should be turned off.
    • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children between the ages of 2 and 6 should not sit in front of display devices for more than an hour a day. Between 7 and 12 years this time is extended to a maximum of 2 hours.
    • If you let your child watch TV or play on the cell phone before bedtime  , their brain will be active and will not be able to rest. Your offspring will have difficulty falling asleep. Remember that getting a child’s sleep is fundamental to their healthy development. The growth hormone does not become active until 3 hours after falling asleep.

      Reading before going to bed

      It’s best to get your children to bed half an hour before they go to bed so they have time to relax. She devotes this half hour to reading. You can read something interesting to your child, or vice versa. Reading should be fun!

      • Children imitate their closest caregivers. A good role model is more important than a thousand words! When your child sees you reading, it is normal for them to do so and will move on to try the experience.
      • If you have read a story to your child every day as a baby, they will  find it pleasant and enjoy this magical moment of togetherness. 
      • Let your child fall asleep with good reading every evening. It can thus develop its imagination and imagination. It also stimulates creativity and curiosity.

      It pays  to make bedtime reading a habit from an early age. You will both fondly remember those pleasant moments!

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