At What Age Should Children Have Smartphones?

We live in a world that is becoming ever more networked and faster. Children are becoming increasingly interested in technology, but how old should they be to have a smartphone?
At what age should children have smartphones?

The answer to this depends most on the situation and circumstances of each family. However, experts recommend that children should only have their own smartphones from the age of 12 .

At what age should children have smartphones?

Technology is part of our lives and children are using it earlier and earlier. The fact is that technology can be found in almost all areas of life, whether we need it or not.

But at what age is a child considered mature enough to use a device appropriately?

Experts recommend that children younger than 12 years old should not have access to technology such as smartphones .

They also believe that some communication apps – such as Whatsapp or other social networks – should not be used by children if they are younger than 15 or 16 years old.

In other words, a 12-year-old child can use their smartphone for games and multimedia, but should not yet have access to social networks.


Ideally, children shouldn’t own smartphones until they are 15 years old. In fact, some countries already have laws regulating the use of smartphones.

For example, in France, children under the age of 15 are not allowed to use cell phones in school.

These regulations also prohibit the use of smartphones during breaks. Without a doubt, the aim of this measure is to ensure the safety of children and teenagers and to encourage them to participate in other activities that take place in the school playground.

Dangers associated with early smartphone use

Experts warn of the dangers posed by the use of smartphones. It is therefore important that young children do not yet have access to this type of technology.

It is true, however, that many parents give their children smartphones so that they can be located quickly.

However, we should keep in mind that these devices do not require internet access.

1. Access to inappropriate content

The internet is the door to information and knowledge, but with it we also enter a space full of dangers. For example, pornography is one of the greatest dangers for minors, especially since it is very easily accessible.

2. Bullying

Thanks to new technology and the Internet, bullying is now happening in your own home, all over the world. The so-called Cyber bullying is one of the greatest dangers to which children are exposed to these days.

3. Addiction

Like video games, smartphone use can quickly become addictive without parental supervision. This is mainly due to social networks, access to games and inappropriate or prohibited content.


Tips to help children use their smartphones properly

The right age

According to experts, children are only  ready to have their own smartphone at the age of 15. However, if it is absolutely necessary to give them one sooner, then the children should never be younger than 12 years old.

Good and constant communication

Good and constant communication between parents and children is paramount. Parents should notice changes in their children’s behavior and regulate and control the excessive use of smartphones and other addictive technologies.

It is important that parents act as figures of authority and set clear rules when it comes to children’s free time and how they spend it with new technologies.

Control tools

While technology cannot be fully controlled, there are some tools that can make it easier for parents to block certain websites with inappropriate and adult content.

And so we come back to our original question: At what age should children have their own smartphone?

As we have seen, the answer to this question depends on the situation and dynamics of the family. Even so, it is true that parents should make sure that their children are mature enough to use their smartphones responsibly and sensibly.

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