Afternoon Nap For Children: Advantages And Disadvantages

Napping is a tradition in many families, but not all children are actually enthusiastic about it. Many prefer to play or do other things.
Midday nap for children: advantages and disadvantages

In today’s article you will find various advantages and disadvantages that an  afternoon nap has for children .

Napping is a tradition in many families, but not all children are actually enthusiastic about it. Many prefer to play or do other things.

However, if the parents are also napping, the  more likely that their children will get used to it too.

Let’s look at the pros and cons! 

What are the advantages of a nap for children?

1. More energy

Although children naturally have a lot of energy and often seem tireless,  they still need rest to be fit again. 

Because running, playing, learning and concentration require a lot of resources. That is why recovery is also important. A little nap is therefore very beneficial for children.

2. Better mood

A short break helps to release tension and reduce anxiety. After a nap, children are often not only lively again, but also in a better mood. 

It can also improve the rest at night. Because children are not so exhausted in the evening that they get nervous.

Midday nap for children

3. Better memory and learning ability

A number of very complex neurological processes are carried out in the brain while we sleep . In this way, the recorded information is processed and saved.

This process is particularly important for children as they are in a continuous learning process.

4. Better physical performance

Of course, a nap also improves physical performance. This makes sport and other activities easier.

Not only does the ability to think benefit from a nap,  it also gives children more energy for physical performance. 

What are the disadvantages of an afternoon nap for children?

1. Too much sleep is counterproductive

Too much of a good thing also has a negative effect here. An afternoon nap should generally not last longer than 20 minutes. If it exceeds 30 minutes, it will negatively affect the night’s rest.

It can be a little longer for children, but too long has undesirable effects on them too.

It could lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia or narcolepsy. You should therefore control the time of the nap! 

2. headache

It is true that older people in particular suffer from hypnotic headaches. But even children who are genetically predisposed can feel this. Usually the pain is not very intense, but still uncomfortable for the child.

3. Respiratory diseases

Children with  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are not allowed to take an afternoon nap; that would be counterproductive.

Muscle relaxation could result, preventing normal breathing. If this leads to insufficient oxygen supply, it can not only lead to constant fatigue but also to respiratory failure. 

However, these are only specific cases. Most children are not affected.

Midday nap for children

Making afternoon nap a habit for children

Finally, you will find a few tips to help your child get used to the daily nap:

  • Don’t Force Your Child : It won’t do any good if you push your child to nap. It can only rest when it is willing itself.
  • Create the Right Environment : If your child takes a nap while you, your partner, or other children are making noise in the house, it is unlikely that your child will sleep. You have to keep calm.
  • Make it a habit : people are creatures of habit. Make your afternoon nap a routine!

An afternoon nap has many advantages! But every child is different. Always think about your child’s wellbeing.

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