I Never Imagined A Life With You

My child, I never planned a life with you. I never imagined meeting a prince, leading a fairytale life, or having a picture-book family.
I never imagined a life with you

My child, I never planned a life with you.  My priorities were my own life, my job and my career. But everything happens for a reason. Suddenly, when I least expected it, you showed up. And in this new life with you everything has changed.

I have to admit that I never imagined a life with you. Maybe my life just passed me by while I was deaf and indifferent. My path just led me in a different direction.

But it doesn’t matter, fate has decided to bring them together. From then on, I swear I can’t imagine life without you.

Of course, the news was hard to digest at the time. The thought of sacrificing everything was terrifying and so was the arrival of something that you had not expected until that day. Fear and worry overwhelmed me.

Today I wonder what my life would be like if I didn’t have the blessing that you are. I remember the time when I was alone, as a gray phase, without all the light that you radiate.

Maybe I had to give up a lot of things that changed my life. However, I can assure you that nothing makes me happier than seeing you grow and laugh.

My life with you is an adventure

Since you came into my life, I’ve realized what it is that people call love. But I was given an example of the purest and most faithful, unconditional and timeless affection.

Live with you - mother and child illustration

From the moment you came into this world, you lit up my days. You redefined my understanding of happiness and freedom. You have endowed me with infinite patience.

And you basically gave me the strength to fight and move on, no matter what. All because of you and for you.

Because with you my life became an adventure. And certainly much nicer too. I understood that I have so much to learn and that there is no better teacher than my own child.

I didn’t choose this, but today I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Motherhood gives me the chance to give a life and build bridges and I understand that. 

Without knowing it, I became a creator who gives life. And I became an artist who is proud of his greatest masterpiece: My little sunshine! I realize what my priorities in life are and that I can afford to go back to my childhood.

That’s how I realized that the time is now. It is not enough to look to the future, I have to live and enjoy in the now , just as I have to look to tomorrow.

Life is short and I want to fill my story with beautiful moments by your side.

I don’t want a life without you

Life with you - mother-and-baby

My life with you is my greatest treasure. It’s worth more than all the gold in the world. There are a variety of reasons why I can no longer imagine my life without you.

I don’t see how to explain what your presence means for my everyday life.

Refreshment, joy, innocence and love are all ingredients in the recipe for happiness. And somehow you are the one who owns all of these gifts.

One look at you, your beautiful smile and I don’t need anything else.

A good morning kiss, an afternoon hug and the sweet “Mom, I love you”, makes me love you a little more every minute.

Your stupidities and gimmicks are my favorite pastime. Caring for you and protecting you is my greatest passion.

My child, this woman who could never imagine a life with you, wants you to know that today she can no longer imagine a life without you.

You are magic and you have become my driving force. You are the strength that drives me forward and the reason why I live every day to the full.

Thank you my darling for coming into my life!

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