4 Water Experiments For Children

If you want to teach children the properties of water, there is nothing better than letting them experiment with their hands themselves. We’ll show you a few simple and fun experiments that your child won’t forget.
4 water experiments for children

Do you want your child to learn the basic laws of physics and chemistry? What better way to learn than to do this through fun water experiments and games?

Here are a few simple experiments you can do at home with your children. This will bring them closer to the fun world of science. 

The best way to explain science is through experimentation. It’s great for kids as it piques their curiosity and interest in scientific phenomena. 

Water experiments for children

Here we show you a few water experiments that you can carry out together as a family at home.

1. Running away pepper

For this experiment you will need:

  • water
  • bowl
  • Ground pepper
  • liquid soap


    • Pour some water into the bowl.
    • Sprinkle pepper on the water until it covers the surface.
    • Take a small drop of liquid soap and place it on your finger.
    • Then touch  the surface of the water with your fingertip where the soap is on it. 

    When you do the last step,  you will notice the pepper move quickly away from where the soap touched the water. 

    Some will sink to the bottom, the rest will move to the edge of the bowl.

    Why is this happening?

    The water molecules are linked to one another by connections. This allows a light substance to be on the surface of the water without sinking.

    This is called surface tension. The liquid soap interacts with this tension by breaking the bonds between the water molecules. 

    As a result, the pepper no longer has a hold and splits up. It then either sinks to the bottom or moves to the edge of the bowl. 

    Water experiments - water experiments-2

    2. Rainbow in the bottle

    You need:

    • Transparent plastic bottle
    • honey
    • Corn syrup
    • oil
    • Washing-up liquid
    • water
    • alcohol
    • Food coloring


    • First, you add the food coloring to the corn syrup, water, oil, and alcohol. Use a different color for each liquid.
    • Then fill them into the bottle one at a time. Start with the honey and then continue in this order:  corn syrup, dish soap, water, oil, alcohol. Use calmly enough to form a layer at least 1.5 cm thick.
    • The liquids must lie on top of one another in individual layers. Be careful not to mix them up. They form a beautiful rainbow that you can look at even better in the light.

      Why is this happening?

      The molecular strength in liquids and gases is measured using density. Every substance has its own density and this experiment shows that. 

      Liquids with more molecules, i.e. a higher density, are heavier. They sink to the bottom without mixing with the other liquids. Lighter liquids stay on top.

      3. The water cycle

      For this experiment you will need:

      • Transparent plastic bottle
      • water
      • Blue food coloring
      • Felt-tip pens


      • First you paint the sky with the sun and some clouds on the neck of the bottle.
      • Then you fill the bottle with some water, about halfway, and screw it back on. 
      • Then you put the bottle in the sun for some time.
      • The water in the bottle evaporates when the sun warms it up. It rises and forms small water droplets in the neck of the bottle.

      Why is this happening?

      This bottle shows a simplified part of the water cycle. The sun warms the water and it rises into the atmosphere in the form of water vapor. There it forms clouds.

      The water vapor in the clouds evaporates. Then when it hits a cold air stream, it falls back to earth in the form of rain. This is one of the best water experiments for kids.

      4. Wandering water

      The materials for this experiment are:

      • water
      • 3 transparent containers of the same size
      • Paper towels
      • Blue and yellow food coloring


        • First, fill two of the containers  halfway with water.
        • Then you mix the water in one container with blue food coloring and in the other with yellow food coloring.
        • Place the three containers in a row next to each other, with the empty container in the middle.
        • Fold two paper towels so you get a strip. 
        • Hang one end of the strip in the yellow water container. The other end goes into the empty container. Do the same with the blue container.

        Observe together how the water  migrates over the paper towels into the empty container. Your kids will love watching the water turn green inside.

        Wasser Experimente - Wasser-Experimente

        Why is this happening?

        The water molecules are connected to each other and to everything they touch. This is called adhesion.

        Capillarity is just as important here,  which is the name given to the ability of a liquid to move in a porous material.

        In these water experiments , children can see how the molecules hang on the paper towels and hang on the liquid. 

        As a little bonus, you will also learn about mixing different colors.

        Water is the essence of life and our planet. Through these water experiments, your child will get to know the important functions and properties of this element. 

        This type of activity is fun and educational at the same time. Enjoy discovering the world with your child without having to leave your home.

        Open the door to the incredible world of science!

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