Parents’ Role Model Function: Children Imitate Their Behavior

From the day your child is born, you are his great role model. Everything your child does and says is related to what they learn and see at home. 
Parents' role model function: children imitate their behavior

Parents take on an important  role model function  by which their children orient themselves. Your curious eyes learn from our behaviors and constantly imitate us.

Leading by example with your children is  an important part of parenting. Always try to show them what you would like to see your children do. You are the mirror in which they are reflected.

The example you set to your children is worth a thousand words. Your children are constantly subconsciously watching what you are doing. They judge others by making comparisons with their role models at home.

In general, children love and admire their parents. That is why you are their mirror to which they orient themselves. When you are sad, your children will feel uncomfortable too. Your emotions, your self-esteem, and your behavior directly affect and transfer to your children. 

When parents say things they don’t do themselves …

Children are very quick to grasp and immediately discover  whether their parents are acting in harmony and doing what they ask of their offspring.

You may ask yourself critically: “Why does mom tell me not to scream when she screams for it herself?”, “Why does my dad tell me not to run the tap? He does it himself when shaving. “

If your child “caught” you, don’t scold them.  Show him that you have weaknesses and that you are making mistakes, but that you are trying not to repeat them. Your child needs your love, tenderness, support, understanding and your role model.

It is important that they see coherence between the things you ask them to do  and your own behavior. This is the best way for them to learn the teachings of their parents. The  role model function of  the parents is fundamental for his development.

mother and daughter

Children are constantly looking for answers to their questions in order to find their way around the world. If you want  your child to leave the house clean and chic, show them  how!

If you ask him not to use swear words,  then you should refrain from doing that too! Values ​​are particularly conveyed through the example.

Parent behavior teaches children to feel joy and to use common sense. It also teaches you self-control and many other important things. 

However, parents are not the only role models in a family. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins ​​and friends also play an important role in everyday life and influence the behavior of the little ones. 

The role model function: the behavior of parents inspires their children

The idea that you learn values ​​at home and knowledge at school is very common. But education takes place everywhere. So that parents can proudly say that their children have the best role model at home, we recommend that you implement the following tips:

  • If you don’t want your child to yell at others, set a good example! Do you want your child to be interested in reading? Then read with him and for it. It must also be able to observe that you yourself enjoy reading.
  • Do you want to prevent your child from blackmailing others? Then you shouldn’t do that yourself. 
    • You sure want your  child to be honest with you. Then you should lead by example here too and never lie to it.
    • If you  want your child to enjoy the food,  invite them to try different foods. But don’t force them to eat foods that you don’t eat yourself. Give him time to eat.
    • In order for your  child to develop their own personality and taste,  you shouldn’t force yours on them.
    • If you don’t want your child to be prejudiced against others,  don’t judge others yourself either! 

    Father is a role model for his son

    • Of course, you don’t want your  child to hit you or anyone else. Then don’t use violence yourself!
    • Your child should  be able to trust you in every situation in life? Show him your trust.
    • To avoid fear and anxiety in your child,  you should not raise them in fear and threats. 

    Remember that  everything you say and do directly affects your child’s behavior. It will repeat and mimic what you are leading it to do. The best example is having a child at home. Therefore do not forget your role model function.

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