Help With Stretch Marks – Tips To Combat Them

In this article, we’ll give you some advice on how to relieve stretch marks.
Help with stretch marks - tips to combat

The female body changes greatly as a result of pregnancy. Many women are a little worried about what their bodies will look like after giving birth. That’s why we’re giving you tips on how to treat stretch marks here.

Post- pregnancy stretch marks are of great concern to every woman. Pregnancy is the main cause of the appearance of unpleasant stretch marks. Usually they form on the abdomen, but stretch marks can also appear on the thighs, buttocks, hips, arms and breasts.

This is because these parts of the body are usually the most grown during pregnancy, making them more prone to stretch marks.

One of the most important factors in stretch marks is weight gain during pregnancy. That said, the more pounds you put on, the more likely you are to get stretch marks.

Genetics also play a key role in the development of stretch marks after pregnancy. The metabolism and hormones also have an influence. Since you have no control over these factors, focus on how to avoid or reduce the occurrence of stretch marks.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are reddish or whitish lines of skin caused by excessive stretching of connective tissue. They usually occur when there is too much stress on the skin due to weight gain. Then the fibers tear and the lines that remain are what we know as stretch marks.

5 tips to avoid stretch marks after pregnancy

While inevitable, there are a number of tips that you can follow to help decrease the intensity of the streaks. Here are some tips to follow during pregnancy.

1.- Watch your weight

It is important that you control your weight, as excess weight gain during pregnancy is a hindrance to both mother and baby. It also helps stretch marks to form as the skin stretches more than it should.

Eat a healthy diet to prevent stretch marks.

2.- Healthy eating

Choose foods that contain antioxidants that help boost collagen production and help keep skin firm and elastic. So opt for foods that are rich in vitamins A, C, and E. These vitamins are found in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, citrus fruits, vegetable oils, seeds and green leafy vegetables, among others.

3.- Exercise

Try to exercise moderately to stay fit. Activities such as hiking are recommended.

“One of the major causes of stretch marks is weight gain from pregnancy.”

4.- Lots of fluids

It is important to drink plenty of water and fluids, that is, drink at least two liters of water a day.

Note that the foods you eat also contain liquids. Therefore, you should not force the ingestion of fluids, but try to cover the daily dose of water with food.

5.- Use body creams

Once the pregnancy is over, the streaks are left behind. To alleviate this, you can use some creams to make the unwanted lines disappear, or at least lessen them. It is inevitable that they will appear, but there are options to mitigate them.

There are a variety of creams and gels on the market that you can use to relieve stretch marks. Apply body creams that contain vitamin E or cocoa butter. The latter is highly recommended to counteract stretch marks during and after pregnancy.

Massages with creams rich in vitamin E will help prevent and reduce the streaks.

Ideally, the creams should be applied twice a day. Until the stripes disappear or are almost invisible. The sooner they are treated, the more options there are to make them go away or to mitigate them. This natural formula is more recommended than chemical or surgical intervention because it is less dangerous and also more effective.

Even if you are very strict about care during pregnancy, there is no guarantee that you will be free of stretch marks. However, it is advisable to take precautions to prevent or treat them.

In summary, it can be said that clear streaks after pregnancy are a heavy blow to self-esteem for many women. In addition, some suffer from depression due to the hormonal changes that occur after the baby is born.

A small consolation: stripes after childbirth are a normal symptom of pregnancy for many women. After the birth, the top priority is therefore to make the skin as smooth and firm as before. To do this, you have to provide your skin with creams, oils and good nutrition both externally and internally.

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