Household Dangers: These 9 Things Must Be Out Of Reach For Children!

Children are fearless and endangered as a result. At home, too, they are curious and rummage around. Therefore, you need to be careful to eliminate potential dangers in the household.
Household dangers: these 9 things must be out of reach of children!

We all know the sign that is emblazoned on various products: “Keep out of the reach of children.” And that’s true. But dangers in the household are not always immediately obvious.
Sometimes objects are only dangerous  for children at second glance  . Attention is required here, otherwise tragic consequences threaten.
Read on to find out more.

9 Dangers in the household

1. Medicine

Where medicine is involved, there may be fatal dangers for children.

Of course, a proper medicine cabinet is essential in a household, but medicine should always be well out of the reach of children. A lockable cabinet, for example, works well.

Even slightly older children can come up with the idea of ​​taking care of themselves. For example, if they hurt themselves slightly while playing, they think that a few pills or a spoonful of juice can help. It is therefore important to think carefully about how to store your medicine cabinet.

Dangers in the household

2. Toxic products

Toxic products are among the most common household hazards. If you have a yard, you will likely keep a fertilizer or weed killer around the house as well. The same goes for insecticides. All of these resources must be locked and inaccessible to children.

Contact with these substances can have worse consequences than taking medication. In fact, in many cases, there is no treatment at all for their effects.

Detergents and cleaning agents must also be stored properly. These include aerosol cleaners, polishes, and bleaches.

It is best for your children to keep these types of products locked. However, some parents think it is enough to keep dangerous chemicals high up on a shelf somewhere.

However, that too is risky. Because children are more curious and resourceful than we often think. They think of something to climb up to the forbidden things. Unfortunately, this only carries one additional risk, namely that of a fall.

3. Knives and other sharp objects

Knives and other sharp objects must also be out of the reach of children. If they can get their hands on something like that, it’s very dangerous. Then they may try to cut something and injure themselves in the process.

Always be aware of this. And that also applies if you are at home in the same room. Scissors and knives should always be inaccessible.

4. Objects that can be swallowed

At some point in childhood, it seems like children really put everything into their mouths. In fact, this is also your way of discovering new things.

Small parts of toys or loose objects in the household are a danger to children because they can swallow them and then suffocate. Extreme caution is required, especially with small parts!

5. Sockets

Sockets and electricity in general are major household hazards. Because of this, sockets should be equipped with child safety devices. Furthermore, no cables should be on the floor. 

Children could very well try to plug small things into the socket. This can result in an electric shock, which in the best case scenario can only result in a major shock.

6. Tobacco smoke

Tobacco is extremely harmful to children. Direct exposure to smoke affects their growth and can also cause serious illness. 

Smokers need to keep their distance from children; if anyone in the family smokes, they should leave the house or apartment to do so.

7. Glass

Unsurprisingly, there is the risk that glass can break. But children may not yet know that this is why one should be careful with glass.

Before you know it, a glass breaks and you have a sharp cut that may even have to be sewn.

8. Tools

Have you already noticed that the little ones like to hit their toys and throw them around? Imagine that with sharp and heavy objects.

It’s an ugly thought, isn’t it? It is for this very reason that the tool box must be out of the reach of children.

Dangers in the household

9. Telephones

Cell phones and telephones should also be kept away from children. On the one hand, they shouldn’t mess with it and, on the other hand, it’s certainly not in your interest that your cell phone ends up in the toilet, right? So leave it where your child can’t go.

As an additional measure, you can also keep the bathroom door closed.

For us as parents, the safety and wellbeing of our children should come first. By following these practical tips you can avoid a lot and also prevent your own headaches.

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