Let Your Child Enjoy Every Age Group!

Every age is shaped by specific needs and activities, all of which are important for development and should also be respected. 
Let your child enjoy every age group!

Every age group is  very important for the development of a child  . Therefore, it should also be able to enjoy any age without being ahead of time. Appropriate games, clothes, music, stories and fantasies are very important for children!

Your child will hit puberty early enough, ask for independence, get to know love and the world of adults.

But every age is shaped by specific needs and activities, all of which are important for development and should also be respected.

The tendency, however, is to want to anticipate the time, to  emulate older siblings or role models and to skip a development phase. Children love to get older and do the same things as the “big ones”.

But they should enjoy childhood and adolescence and exercise age-appropriate activities,  otherwise they could regret it for their entire life. 

Every age group is important!

The urge to live in youth

Many young people think that time is running out and that they have to use every moment of life intensively.

There is nothing more important to them than having fun and indulging in their passions. They need the adrenaline rush on their adventures. At 11, 12 or 13, a new world full of dreams and activities opens up. 

But many young people already feel very grown up and imitate others who are already 20 or older. However, they do not focus on effort, work, or discipline. 

If so, parents would be far less worried. A well-behaved and responsible child is, after all, a great blessing.

Unfortunately, the reality is usually different:  Young people allow themselves to be influenced by bad behavior and imitate the mistakes of adults. 

Child at the desk plays according to his age group

Smoking, drinking, relationships, and floating around are all common in adolescence. The urge to live in this phase of life means that many do not enjoy this time according to their age,  but rather move on to the next phase. But blindfolded and without any experience.

This means that young people are continuously exposed to various risks.

Adolescence: fundamental for learning processes

Mothers know very well from their own experience that childhood, puberty and adolescence do not last forever; and that lost time will sooner or later take its toll.

Everything in life has its time. Your child should know that pretending to be someone you are not is good; that too early experiences can destroy the future and sometimes even life.

You may know the fable of the cricket and the ant. You can tell your child about it so that they understand that you always have to do the right thing at the right time to build a future.

Time does not stand still and youth are not eternal. Learning, a good education and personal development means using life properly. 


It is the best period in life to develop  cognitive skills and to build the pillars for the future. 

Your child needs to understand that if they prepare well, they can achieve a lot at this stage in their lives. It will be able to be independent, or it will be able to support the family and feel proud of it.

Your child needs to know that if they don’t make the most of the time, they’ll still be in the same place in a year, but they’ll be a little older and also a little more ignorant when compared to their peers this year Time to have learned something.

Show your child not to be ahead of the times

Your child needs to understand what each age group means and also that they shouldn’t keep postponing their life projects until tomorrow.

Ask them to do the homework or study on the weekend before going out to play with their friends.

Don’t let them complicate their life and take away the future. It shouldn’t simply skip any age bracket.  Get your child to think about it.

It has to learn how important it is to seize every moment and enjoy childhood and adolescence. Because these are wonderful periods of life that are relatively short.

Your child should learn to prepare for the future  by learning as many new things as possible.

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