Hives During Pregnancy – This Is How You Deal With It!

Those who suffer from hives have red spots on their skin that are also itchy. However, many women also suffer from other ailments during pregnancy. In this post you can find out what causes hives and what effects are possible on mother and baby.
Hives During Pregnancy - How To Deal With It!

When a woman is pregnant, her body goes through a tremendous change. This affects them physically but also mentally. Some changes affect the skin as well. Unfortunately, many women suffer from hives during pregnancy .

The hives called a rash consisting of raised red spots. This is of course very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, it’s just one of the many symptoms pregnancy can bring with it.

The rash usually shows up during the third trimester. This, in turn, is especially true for a woman’s first pregnancy. Typically, red spots and welts appear on the skin that are itchy or burning.

During pregnancy, these usually develop on the stomach. However, the rash can also spread to the arms and legs.

This rash can frighten expectant mothers. The red spots can look pretty scary. It is also quite easy to misinterpret them. 

Read on to learn what causes hives in pregnant women, how to treat them, and when to really worry.

Causes of Hives in Pregnancy

According to the American Society for Pregnancy (APA), an average of 1 in 150 women will experience skin problems such as hives during pregnancy. This form of dermatosis is also abbreviated as PUPP.

The skin is then typically dry and red in the affected areas. The causes usually lie in the hormonal changes during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the body produces a lot more estrogen, among other things. At the same time, the skin on the abdomen expands, which then becomes more vulnerable.


Doctors have not yet found out exactly what causes hives so often, especially during pregnancy. But there are a few factors that are related to it:

  • Allergic reactions:  certain foods, bacteria or chemicals can set off some kind of alarm in the body. The body’s reaction will then be seen in a rash as the body produces histamines. Histamines are substances that fight pathogens.
  • Hormonal stress:  Pregnancy is a very intense time in terms of emotions and hormones. Both together can also express themselves in symptoms on the body. The skin is one of the organs that is most likely to make something like this visible, along with digestion.
  • Stretching of the skin:  the connective tissue can tear. As a result, the body shows an inflammatory reaction, which is also visible externally through red spots, for example.

Other causes of hives are chronic diseases such as lupus or other autoimmune diseases. Serious diseases such as blood cancer can also trigger the hives. But there are no known cases of pregnant women.

Treatment of hives during pregnancy

Hives during pregnancy are very likely to go away right after the birth. Even so, doctors are happy to prescribe something to treat symptoms. An itchy rash can be very irritating, and scratching can make the rash worse.

Your doctor will give you something to apply, such as an ointment containing cortisone, emollients, and antihistamines. Everything you use then, you should do according to the doctor’s orders.

Some women are particularly sensitive to certain medications. In this case, your family doctor should look for suitable alternatives. 

Is Hives Dangerous During Pregnancy?

No. Hives are not dangerous for either the mother or the child. This is a rather mild problem that usually heals itself.


In very serious cases, breathing problems can occur. But that is really very rare. 

These occur when the inflammation affects the throat. In this case, however, treatment with fast-acting intravenous drugs is required.

It is important that you see a doctor immediately if you experience symptoms.

You can’t prevent hives and as I said – it’s not bad. But you should just make sure that it is not another disease.

If you see red spots on your stomach or other parts of the body, see a doctor. You certainly don’t want to take any risks during pregnancy. Talking to a doctor gives you peace of mind and then you can walk away with peace of mind. 

With your doctor’s approval, you can also use home remedies to relieve itching.

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