You Are The Most Wonderful Child In This World!

You are the most wonderful child in this world. When I found out that I was pregnant, my heart was filled with joy. Your father and I told our grandparents, too, they loved you right away.
You are the most wonderful child in the world!

My pregnancy was a time of anticipation. It’s been 9 months full of wonderful feelings. And yet it was not comparable to the moment I saw you for the first time. Then I knew: you are the most wonderful child in this world.

With every examination, I could see your little face on the scans while you were in my stomach. But nothing was like our first meeting, my little one.

When I held you in my arms and saw your cute face, I cried, laughed and kissed you a thousand times …

I was so in love with you It seemed like an impossibility that you were here with us all of a sudden. I could feel your warm body and your soft skin on mine and smell you.

That was the best day of my life!

Because you are the most wonderful child in this world

I remember running my eyes and hands over your small, fragile body. I counted your fingers and toes and constantly checked whether you were okay.

When I looked at you, I lost myself in your smile that was gently drawn on your lips while you were sleeping.

I had never seen such a lovely face or such beautiful eyes before. Even your crying filled me with tenderness. 

 Your smell was unique and more irresistible than the best perfume in the world.
Du bist das wundervollste Kind auf dieser Welt

The most wonderful child in this world – you turned my world upside down

Since you’ve been here, my priorities have changed.  You became the most important thing in my life – and only you, dear child.

If you need me, I’ll be able to move heaven and hell. There is nothing I would not do for you, because you have given me the strength to overcome every obstacle, every challenge and every trace of fatigue.

I know every mother says that her child is the most wonderful child in the whole world. I’m no exception and I can’t do anything else.

But I don’t just think so because of your appearance. You are beautiful because you are who you are and because you are my child.

And when I tell you that you’ve changed my world, I’m not exaggerating. You have transformed my concept of love and my concept of beauty. 

Aside from your physical beauty, you are wonderful because you are alive. Because you are a healthy child and because you take every chance to learn something new.

You are the most wonderful child in this world because you cling to life. With every breath and heartbeat you give me the strength to get up in the morning and do everything in my power to live up to your potential.

“There is only one beautiful child in this world and every mother has it.”
– José Martí, Latin American leader – 

You are the most wonderful child in this world

My feelings for you are wonderful

The feelings that you create in me are so wonderful. I have never felt so much devotion, generosity, so much passion, tenderness, tranquility and calm. 

Since you have been here, I have no longer strived to meet my own needs but to make sure that you are safe. I became a better person thanks to you, and that too is a wonderful thing.

And now the outlook for our future is also wonderful. You made sure of that. Every day is worth living with you.

Even after a tough day, the struggles with the outside world immediately fade into the background when I hear your voice and see your face.

Your presence is a revolution. Our home, once a tidy apartment, is now a mess.

And the truth is: it doesn’t matter that the decorations on the coffee table are no longer so neat. You turned our house upside down; the order that we once loved is gone and we don’t mind.

Our house was full of beautiful decorative objects. Now there are bibs and diapers, baby clothes, blankets and toys. And they always remind us that the most wonderful child lives in these 4 walls: namely you.

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