Practical Tips To Overcome Fear Of Childbirth

Overcoming the fear of childbirth is easier said than done. We have a few tips and address things that are the most worrying.
Practical tips to overcome the fear of childbirth

It doesn’t matter if you are becoming a mother for the first time or if you already have a few children. Overcoming your fear of giving birth is an emotional struggle that grows within you as the due date approaches.

This follows from the fact that childbirth has always been described as a difficult, painful, and risky experience for both mother and babies.

However, the claim is far from reality. Childbirth is a controllable process and poses no risks for mothers who had a normal pregnancy.

To overcome your  fear of childbirth , we are going to tell you how to fight your doubts by answering the most frequently asked questions. 

In addition, we will show you a few practical relaxation exercises that will help you dispel any fears.

Tips to overcome your fear of childbirth

Having the right information about the birth process is the first step in overcoming your fear of childbirth. Wrong information is just confusing and unnecessarily add to your worries.

It is very important that you ask your gynecologist all the questions that come to mind. After all, that’s what these investigations are for.

You should be aware that the process of childbirth is attended by all hospitals and clinics around the world. 

They are equipped with the technology they need to support mothers and their babies.

To help you overcome your fear of childbirth, let’s talk now about some of the most common questions mothers ask themselves.

Common questions mothers ask themselves

About epidural anesthesia

Seen in this way, epidural anesthesia is very beneficial for childbirth as it reduces the pain within 20 minutes. In addition, a mother’s fear also decreases considerably.

So you should consider her a good ally during the birthing process.

Overcoming fear of childbirth - Overcoming_fear_before_birth-2In terms of its use, it is one of the most common anesthetics for medical processes. Your effectiveness is therefore guaranteed. 

About the perineal cut

Also known as an episiotomy, a perineal incision is an incision made in the area of ​​the perineum. This is carried out from the back of the vulva to the anus in order to avoid tissue tears in the mother’s genital area.

It also helps the baby to come out more easily. Yes, we know that this does not sound pleasant, but you will not feel any of it as you will be given an epidural or local anesthetic beforehand.

About breathing

As you have probably learned during your antenatal classes,  breathing is essential for you to relax. 

This allows you to press better and your baby gets more oxygen.

However, if you are full of fear and worry, you may not remember these exercises or that you even attended such a class. Still, you don’t have to worry.

In addition to a trained medical team, there is always a midwife to guide you through the entire birthing process. 

Exercises to help overcome your fear of childbirth

The suggestions for relaxing and overcoming your fears are very simple. You will see that you can still do this after giving birth.

Yoga for pregnant women

You can take part in yoga classes for pregnant women. In these you will learn traditional relaxation and meditation exercises while carefully strengthening the muscles that are involved in childbirth.

Take naps and distract yourself if necessary

Take a nap when your body demands it and when you feel stressed. If you get enough sleep, your body can regain its balance.

At the same time, you should also look for ways to distract yourself when you’re nervous. Watch a movie, read a nice book and drink tea or another beneficial drink.

Overcoming fear of childbirth - Overcoming_fear_before_birth


A relaxing massage for pregnant women can help you regain your inner strength. 

If you can’t go to a spa or a massage therapist, you can ask your partner or other family members.

One last piece of advice: take  the Pregnancy Preparatory Classes. You will learn a lot in these courses. You can also exchange ideas with other mothers and this in turn helps you to approach the matter more calmly.

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