We Don’t Always Behave Properly Towards Our Children

Sometimes we can say “Shut up!” or “You disturb all the time!” don’t hold back. Sometimes we get a little louder and immediately regret it deeply. Because we know that was wrong, that we have lost patience …
We do not always behave properly towards our children

Sometimes we can say “Shut up!” or “You disturb all the time!” don’t hold back. Sometimes we get a bit louder and immediately regret it deeply. Because we know that it wasn’t right, that we have lost patience …

We all make mistakes in parenting. Even the best mom or dad are not immune from this. We are human too, and sometimes we are stressed and tired, or we simply lack experience. 

You shouldn’t blame yourself. When you become aware that you haven’t treated your child right, there is only one solution: ask their forgiveness and do it differently next time.

The best way to comfort your child to heal their emotional suffering and show them that mom and dad can be wrong too.

Today we invite you to reflect with us on this topic.

We don’t always act right

In parenting, we often try to avoid our parents’ mistakes. We want to be perfect in everything  and give our children what we didn’t have ourselves.

All of this is commendable, but there is one thing you should be clear about: you shouldn’t focus your upbringing on what you want, but  rather on what your child needs. 

Every day is a new challenge, because children are demanding, curious, insistent and sometimes exhausting.

It’s normal to make mistakes at times. Nobody has the perfect parenting manual, and implementing the best tips in everyday life is not always easy.

But there are certain things that have to be taken into account.

Mother and child did not act correctly

What your child needs is patience

Dealing with a child is difficult without patience. Because it takes affection, compassion, love, attention and tolerance,  and patience is the foundation!

But no book can teach you patience. You have it or you don’t.

  • Parents without patience are very demanding. This makes  the child feel stressed and insecure. You have to take into account that every child has its own rhythm of development, its own times and needs. If you ask them to do things they can’t, all you achieve is that they get frustrated.

    If you don’t do something right, your child will show you with his gaze

    You will be aware of it right away. Your daughter or son’s emotional reaction can be seen by the expression on their face. For example, if you ignore your child, yell at or feel disappointed, you can tell immediately.

    • The close and strong bond with your child enables you to recognize that you made a mistake. Your nerves played a trick on you, the strategy you used was incorrect.
    • We sometimes do things because we believe they are good for our offspring. But then we become aware that this is not the case. For example, if your child is afraid of the dark, you shouldn’t make fun of it or tell them they’re too big for that. You shouldn’t dismiss it as unimportant or scold your child if they involuntarily wet the bed.

      These are just small examples where we can make mistakes without realizing them at the moment.

      mother and son

      Asking forgiveness is very important!

      We teach our children to say hello, thank you and please use and ask for forgiveness. Adults too must apologize if they make a mistake. You have an important role model role!

      Your child has the right to be asked forgiveness if you’ve done something wrong. In this way you can encourage your offspring to trust you. 

      You are showing that your child’s wellbeing is your first priority because you love them. You want to be a little better every day as a person and as a mother or father.

      You should take all of these aspects into account if everything does not go quite correctly again. Here are a few situations you can improve:

      • It is not correct  to promise something and then not fulfill it. You disappoint your child because you are his role model and you have to behave that way.
      • Shouting is not the solution, there are better ways to get there.
      • Never compare your child to others.
      • Don’t make fun of it, and never criticize or correct it in front of others.
      • Don’t tell your offspring that they are “clumsy” or unable to do or achieve anything. Show him that practice makes perfect.
      • You shouldn’t tell your child that they’re bothering either. Better tell him that you’re busy right now and that you will have time for it a little later. 
      • It is not right to leave your child’s questions unanswered. Even if there are many, or if the questions seem strange or pointless. Your opinion is important to your child, you are their great role model.

      Mother really loves her son

      Be patient and don’t torture yourself if you are wrong every now and then. The most important thing is that you make an effort every day to be better. 

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