Sling For Babies: Practical And Healthy

It is not only body contact that is very important for the baby, as it allows it to develop a strong bond and gain security. Baby carriers have many other advantages as well. 
Baby sling: practical and healthy

Babies are naturally carried, so a  sling has  many advantages and is also very practical. In many cultures, it is a traditional way of carrying the young baby. Because despite close physical contact, you have your hands free and can do a wide variety of work. That’s why the sling  has become popular again with us  .

Today we take a closer look at the advantages of carrying the baby on your stomach. Read on to learn more about it.

There are various types of slings and other carriers:  belt, backpack, cloth, Mei Tai (classic Asian carrier), pouch (strap), etc.  Each family has to choose which model they prefer. However, do enough research beforehand.

Mother with baby in a sling

Baby wrap: practical and healthy

It is not only body contact that is very important for the baby, as it allows them to build a strong bond and gain security. Baby carriers have many other advantages as well. 

The baby will cry less in the sling and will be cared for more quickly by the mother or father because it is always right on the stomach or back. This is very beneficial, as the needs of the child can be met quickly, which favors their development  and allows them to appear later safely and independently.

This also improves the quality of sleep: A calm and safe child sleeps longer and better.

It can grow up healthy,  regulate body temperature easily, optimize breathing and oxygen uptake, prevent reflux and promote bowel evacuation and reduce flatulence.

Stress can also be reduced in the sling and emotional balance can be promoted. This also has a positive effect on the immune system and causes greater pain tolerance.

Another advantage is that the mother’s milk production is stimulated by wearing, which also benefits the child.

Further advantages of a baby carrier:

  • Prevention against postural plagiocephaly and head deformation
  • Supports the healthy development of the back. The muscle tone and the natural curvature of the back are improved.
  • Protects against hip dysplasia because the hip joints are in their optimal position.
  • Premature babies develop better physically, emotionally and cognitively through physical contact.

Benefits for the mother

We have already mentioned that the sling is practical because it allows the mother to have her hands free and to pursue other activities. The child will develop their own habits while on the mother’s womb.

It is a  very pleasant method because the mother can stroke her baby over and over again, play  with him and kiss him while she is on the phone, hanging up the laundry or doing other activities. This has many advantages and makes the mother more agile and mobile!

Father and child

So you have no problems when you go outside, take public transport, or have to overcome other hurdles. With the child in the baby carrier, everything is easy and you are very agile. Of course, the baby can also develop a very special relationship with its father in this way.

This can also reduce the risk of postpartum depression and strengthen the mother’s self-esteem,  because the baby cries less and sleeps better. This will make you feel safer too.

Correct posture is important:  an ergonomic carrying aid does not damage the wearer’s back, on the contrary, it can even train the back muscles. However, you always have to make sure that the sling actually fits correctly with the baby.

Don’t forget to keep a few basic safety precautions in mind. The baby’s face must always be exposed. The neck cannot be bent and you cannot use the baby carrier in the car. Of course, you also have to be very careful to avoid falling or when drinking hot drinks!

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