Breastfeeding Can Prevent Deaths From Breast Cancer

We already know that breastfeeding is very beneficial for babies and mothers. But did you know that it can also prevent deaths from breast cancer?
Breastfeeding can prevent deaths from breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common gynecological tumor in women in Western countries. The consequences of this disease are severe and younger and younger women are also affected.

Therefore, researchers are investigating the reasons for and possible forms of preventive care so that it does not even come to that. Breast cancer research is a priority for medical professionals and scientists these days.

We already know that breastfeeding is very beneficial for babies and mothers. But did you know that it can also prevent deaths from breast cancer ?

Breastfeeding protects mothers against breast cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and other diseases as well. 

Specialists therefore recommend giving the baby only the breast for the first six months. But even after that, it is worthwhile to partially breastfeed the child until it is two years old.

Preventing breast cancer through breastfeeding

As mentioned earlier, breastfeeding has many wonderful maternal health benefits. This can prevent breast cancer, uterine cancer and type 2 diabetes.

This also reduces the risk of anemia. You will also be able to lose weight more easily if you breastfeed your child.

The World Health Organization recommends that mothers breastfeed their child until they are two years old. This  could prevent 22,000 deaths from breast cancer. 

Various studies in different countries have shown that breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer. This is due to the delay in restoration of ovarian function and reduced levels of estrogen.  

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Benefits of breastfeeding for babies

Breast milk contains many irreplaceable nutrients and proteins that the baby needs after birth. Breast milk is well tolerated and digestible for the small, sensitive belly of the newborn.

Colostrum is the first nutrient that a baby ingests when breastfeeding for the first time after delivery.

This substance, often referred to as “liquid gold”, strengthens the little one’s immune system. For this reason, many also refer to it as the first vaccination.

Some advice on breastfeeding


As a mother, you should sit up straight and use a pillow for comfort. A nursing pillow will help you keep your baby at chest level.

A quiet environment is ideal for your baby to relax without being distracted or frightened. Some mothers like to be undisturbed.

Not enough milk?

As a nursing mother, it is important that you drink enough water and eat healthily. Don’t skip a meal and get enough sleep.

Another tip for producing more milk is to breastfeed your baby when needed. Sucking will stimulate your milk production.

Too Much Milk?

If you produce more than enough milk for your baby, your body will soon adapt. In the meantime, you can express the extra milk and store it at room temperature during the day.

You can also store them in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Or you can put them in the freezer, where they can be kept for several months. This is particularly beneficial for working mothers.

Remember that a breast pump will stimulate your breasts, so it will not decrease your milk production.

If you want to adapt your body to your baby’s needs, we recommend that you express the milk manually to avoid overproduction.

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Switch sides

Every time you breastfeed, you should start with one breast and then switch to the other. The next time you breastfeed, do it the other way around. Try 15 minutes on each side.

Pain in the nipples

To make sure you’re breastfeeding properly, your nipples shouldn’t be deformed by the time your baby is done, and they shouldn’t be painful either.

Inverted warts

Breastfeeding is also possible for women with inverted warts. There are several types and tools available to facilitate the process.

When your baby doesn’t want to be breastfed

If your baby does not want to be breastfed, you need to teach him to do so. Get help from an expert! It’s a learning curve for both of you so be patient.

Now you know what a great gift breast milk is. Not only is it free, but it helps both of you, mother and baby, avoid serious illnesses.

Babies grow quickly, and this stage doesn’t last forever. So take every opportunity you get to breastfeed.

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