Competition Among Mothers? Rather Enjoy The Time With Your Child!

Unfortunately, competition among mothers puts many under pressure. But wouldn’t it be better to just enjoy motherhood?
Competition among mothers?  Rather enjoy the time with your child!

Unfortunately, competition  among mothers puts many under pressure. But wouldn’t it be better to just enjoy motherhood?

It’s not about having the most beautiful and intelligent child, being the best mother or running the perfect household and conjuring up dream dishes on the table every day.

Motherhood is a story that you write with your child every day. Small shared experiences make the days colorful and exciting since the moment you experienced the miracle of life.

The secret of motherhood is  to enjoy all of the changes and tasks that come with it. 

Enjoy every moment instead of thinking about the competition

When you become a mother, you may feel overwhelmed at times by all of the well-intentioned advice you keep receiving. You are putting yourself under pressure because you want to be perfect.

There is also  competition between mothers, because no one wants to be worse off than the others. However, you should only focus on what is really important: the little life for which you are responsible.

Children grow very quickly and suddenly it’s too late. Now enjoy every phase of your little darling’s life and share every free minute with him. 

Otherwise you will sooner or later realize that you have lost a lot of happy moments just because you try to do everything perfectly to withstand the competition of other mothers.

Mother with daughters does not think of competition with other mothers

There is no going back. Don’t forget that there is a moment when you can enjoy your child in your arms and develop a special bond. But that moment never comes back afterwards.

Even if you are tired or want to surprise everyone with your gastronomic skills, play with your child! You can taste the honey of motherhood in the process. 

Leave the tasks behind, you can take care of them later. Give your child a few minutes and listen as they tell you their inventive ideas. Small, funny anecdotes will accompany and delight you for a lifetime.

Time shared in motherhood creates future memories that you will fondly think back to. Your children are the best representatives of your common family history. Take the time to be a mom and don’t worry about unimportant things that may wait for tomorrow.

The future will take care of standing in front of your child who you can no longer carry in your arms. Of course there will be difficult times and challenges. But you cannot cope with this by constantly looking at the competition.

Suddenly it’s too late for innocent games and childish fun, because your little darling has grown into a great puberty.

Motherhood years later

You are running out of time and things are changing. The little offspring, who recently could barely stand on his feet,  is now big and independent.

So never forget the following motto: “Competition between mothers is nonsense. Enjoy the time with your child! “

Mother and son on the beach without any competition

You certainly have a lot of doubts and fears that you sometimes subconsciously pass on to your child.

Now your sweetheart is facing new challenges:  his body is changing, the chaotic world of hormones also changes his character and nature. Adolescence has to contend with new responsibilities and obligations.

Your child has nothing left for your humor and your love, it becomes rebellious. And now you need a lot of patience, assertiveness and moderation. You need to teach these tools to your child as well.

If the teen is anxious or insecure, you need to support him or her. Your child  needs your help to improve their self-esteem. Here, too, perseverance and patience are required. You also need to be able to listen and draw logical conclusions.

Give your child all these tools along the way  so that they can successfully overcome this difficult phase of life. It will take these tools throughout life to be a responsible, righteous person. Even now you need a lot of time for your child!

Leave everything behind, the household and other things can wait. Don’t forget that your child still needs you  badly now. Give him your time, accompany him in all phases of life.

Motherhood has nothing to do with competition between mothers. Enjoy every moment and every phase of life regardless of what others think or say. You are the best mother for your child! Enjoy this wonderful gift of life.

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