How Can I Resuscitate A Baby?

Resuscitating a baby who is choking is one of the most traumatic experiences we can have as mothers. It’s something we never want to experience. But it could be necessary at any time.
How can I resuscitate a baby?

We know that we are suitable for the inconveniences of pregnancy, the pains of childbirth, breastfeeding, and the upbringing of babies … But no one is emotionally prepared to face such a painful situation and have to resuscitate a baby .

But we are women and as women we are ready for the unspeakable when it comes to saving our child’s life.

That’s why we recommend: prepare yourself for it. Learn all about cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a child. If you ever find yourself in the difficult position of having to help your child, hold back your tears and use this knowledge to save their life.

Take precautions to avoid accidents

A baby is a mischievous and curious creature who is always on the lookout for adventure. His universe is big, beautiful and full of knowledge.

But a baby is not yet aware of any dangers. If a wild animal approached it with the intention of devouring it, it would remain calm without fear and watch the animal.

Resuscitate baby - child chokes

By this we mean to say that their experimentation and innocence, along with the dangers that can be found inside the home, cause accidents.

The best thing is to give the child a place where they will not be in danger when crawling, moving and exploring the world around them.

The room you give him should contain toys for his age group. No little soldiers, little balls, or little toy parts to put in its mouth.

If a stuffed animal is broken, remove it. The material stuffed animals have inside can be interesting, and your child will want to put it in their mouth to test how it tastes.

Anyway, I hope you know how to take these and other precautions. If your child no longer wants to stay in the playpen and prefers to play on the floor and is looking for something to eat, these are very important.

Learn how suffocation occurs and how to prevent it

Know that suffocation occurs when oxygen cannot reach the lungs to provide much-needed breathing.

This happens when the airways, which normally allow air to flow, become blocked by a foreign object, among other things.

When breathing is interrupted and cardiopulmonary arrest occurs, the person helping the injured person has only a few seconds to revive him and get him to breathe again.

If she doesn’t do it in time, the brain damage is irreversible and in the worst case scenario, suffocation ends in death.

Baby wiederbeleben - Wiederbelebung eines Kindes

An essential detail that you should never forget

To your surprise, if you see your baby choking, we must tell you not to resuscitate your baby right away.

Maybe with a couple of blows on the back you can spit out the object that’s preventing it from breathing, and the shock is just that. A shock.

But at first glance you cannot assess the seriousness of the condition. If you see your child choking and you’re home alone, call the emergency number quickly.

If help is on the way, you can do anything to help him. Now you should resuscitate your baby.

Risk of suffocation if swallowed

Dear mom, if you notice that your baby is having difficulty breathing and you suspect that a foreign object has gotten into his mouth or nose, do not try to remove the object. Not infrequently, this procedure makes the situation worse by introducing the object further.

If your child coughs, let them do this for a few seconds, but don’t wait too long, place them face down on one of your forearms and lean on your thighs so their head is a little lower than their body.

Hold his head and neck firmly with the hand of the same arm and give him a slap on the back, between the shoulder blades, with the other hand.

These blows should not be very strong, but should be firm and spaced.

How can I resuscitate a baby?

In the event that the previous technique doesn’t work as expected and, to make matters worse, your child has stopped breathing, learn how to resuscitate a baby.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) performed on a baby is similar to that of an adult, albeit with some variations.

We recommend placing your child on a hard surface.

Next, place the middle and ring fingers of one hand in the center of his chest, on the sternum, under his nipples.

You should press your fingers into your chest about 30 times in a row.

Each time you apply the pressure, let your child’s chest come back to normal without lifting their fingers. Then press again and repeat the process.

When you have finished the 30 repetitions, place your mouth on his face so that it completely covers both his mouth and nose and gently blow some air into his lungs. You will find that your child’s stomach and chest inflate.

Wait a few seconds for the air to come out and repeat the process again.

Then continue with the chest compressions as before and then ventilate your child twice again.

Repeat this process as often as necessary until the child responds or receives the help that you intelligently called out at the beginning.

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