Afraid Of Giving Birth? Important Tips For The First Few Days

It is normal to be afraid of giving birth. Here are a few important tips that will get you through the first few days.
Fear of childbirth?  Important tips for the first few days

The birth of your baby can make you feel nervous and tense. The closer the day of the birth comes, the more emotions you will feel. So you should take some measures to stay as calm as possible during this wonderful event and not to be afraid of the birth.

Having a child is a pretty big deal. One prepares to receive a new family member in a harmonious and peaceful environment.

You need to control the uncomfortable feelings of fear and stress so that you can take care of the thousand things you need to do before giving birth.

It is very normal to feel a little anxious and confused when you come home with your baby because you are still inexperienced. You may have doubts and concerns about basic issues such as: breastfeeding, grooming, how to calm your baby when he is crying, and so on. Don’t drive yourself crazy, all new moms have these worries.

A calming breathing technique is a great way to relax before and after giving birth.

Be prepared so that you are not afraid of giving birth

Fear of childbirth can increase towards the end of pregnancy

When your child arrives home, they will need your full attention. So planning a little in advance is very important and definitely helps with a harmonious development of family life in the first few days (which are often very exhausting because you still have to adapt).

Here we have a few pieces of advice you can keep in mind so that the first few days are not so difficult and you don’t have to be afraid of the birth :

  • Family food: Pre-cook and freeze a few servings, or at least have the number of a few delivery companies on hand
  • Supplies: Buy everything you will need for the baby in advance: diapers, hygiene products, wet wipes, and so on. This will save you the stress once the baby is home.
  • Clothes and utensils: Wash and organize everything you will need for the baby in advance.
  • Cleaning the house: Use disposable dishes, plates and cups to make washing up easier.
  • Insurance: Take another look at your health insurance and what is covered by it – this will save you anger or stress in emergencies.

A guide for the first few days after giving birth

You are doing yourself a favor if you consider the following things once you get home with your baby:

  • Regular visits: Long-term visits often disturb your and your child’s rest. Special visiting times for family or friends are essential.
  • Get used to the child’s rhythm: A newborn can be very stressful at night because it needs to be breastfed. Use and do everything that can be done before bed so that you are not overwhelmed and overtired.
  • Assign tasks: If for some reason you have errands to run, clean your house, or anything else to do besides focusing on the baby, then give that task to someone who is willing to help.
  • Mind about food: your time will almost always be tight. Eating a healthy diet and skipping meals are very good habits to stick with. You need to be fit for the birth of your baby and the same goes for the time after, especially if you are breastfeeding.
  • Trust your gut instinct: Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what’s wrong with your baby because the only way to express themselves is through crying. If you have a guess as to why it is crying, listen to your gut instinct. As a mother, you will almost always be right.

What your baby needs in the first few days

With proper planning, the baby is doing very well in the first few days - so no fear of the birth

Your baby’s arrival needs to be planned well as there are a few things that need to be prepared for them to be comfortable. Here are some requirements:

  1. Set up the cradle so that you can easily move it somewhere else if necessary.
  2. Babies often swallow a lot of air while breastfeeding. If you help him to erupt a short time later, you will save yourself this inconvenience later.
  3. Gently disinfect the umbilical cord and navel.
  4. Change his diapers every two to three hours.
  5. The baby’s clothes should be comfortable and easy to put on so that they don’t disturb the baby as much as possible.

The first few days are usually anything but easy, but you shouldn’t be afraid of giving birth. Everyone has to adapt to the other, this process can take a long time. If you feel exhausted, ask a family member or friend for help. They will definitely step in.

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