The First Foods You Should Give Your Baby

It’s a complicated subject. What should be the first foods we should give our baby other than milk? It depends to a large extent on the baby’s level of development. Here we give you some excellent options for you to try.
The first foods to give your baby

According to the American Society of Pediatrics, babies should start eating their first solid foods between 4 and 6 months of age . In addition to age, they must show some specific signs of development in order to be given their first solid foods.

When they do, you know your baby is ready to begin a varied, solid diet.

The main signs to look out for are:

  • The baby has lost the extrusion reflex (causing the spoon or food to be expelled from his mouth).
  • It shows interest or curiosity when it sees other people eating and tries to reach food.
  • Although he still needs support, he can sit and have good control over his head.
  • The baby’s weight has doubled since birth.

You need to be very careful during this process to be in tune with the baby’s physiological development. The way in which food is prepared is also important in successfully developing good nutrition.

Here are some of the first few foods that should be part of a baby’s healthy diet.

The 4 first foods for babies

1.- Avocados

Avocado is excellent to be one of the first foods a baby will eat because it contains healthy fats for his or her growth and development. The soft and creamy texture of the avocado is ideal for the baby’s digestive system.

This food is high in vitamins A, C, niacin, folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium. To prepare them, you need to remove the shell, put a creamy serving in a bowl, and mash it with a fork.

“We are all born the same; the difference begins with nutrition “

-Dr. Hernán Jaramillo Botero-

2.- bananas

They are ideally suited to be one of the baby’s first foods . The properties of a banana make it ideal for the baby’s digestion. Their sweet taste and texture make it easier for children to accept and enjoy. These fruits contain vitamins A, C, folate, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium and calcium.

Before you give the banana to your child, peel it, make a puree, and if you want it to be even softer, warm it up a little. You can add some breast milk or whatever milk alternative you are using to make it easier to consume.

The first food - child eats banana

3.- meat

When the baby begins to change their eating habits, they may become deficient in some nutrients. Iron, zinc and vitamin B12, which are found in foods of animal origin, deserve special mention.

It should also be noted that the iron contained in vegetables is not so easily absorbed in a not yet fully grown organism.

For this reason, it is advisable to include meat as one of the first foods in the baby’s diet. When giving meat to your child, it is important to check that it is of good quality. You should boil and grind it.

It can be soaked in a little bit of water or broth without salt so that the consistency can be absorbed without any problems.

4.- Mango

Mango is a food rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and sodium. As you know, the mango is a sweet fruit that brings a lot of nutrients into your baby’s body. As with other foods, peel them, remove the core, and puree them.

The first food - baby eats with a spoon

Recommendations for feeding your baby

  • Breast milk or the milk alternative of your choice should still be included in the baby’s diet, even if the food is already solid. This is where the most important calories and nutrients the child needs in their first year come from.
  • As you eat, make sure your baby is calm, clean, and happy. This allows them to enjoy their food better and begin to create a positive connection with food.
  • Always choose one of the first foods. Give this to him for several days before moving on to another. That way, you can easily spot any type of allergic reaction.
  • If you experience diarrhea, rash, or vomiting after a meal, stop giving this food to your baby and see a doctor.
  • If you are going to give the baby cereal, make sure it is suitable for their age. The cereals that the little ones should consume are enriched with specific nutrients.

Although this is not a solid food, unleavened meat broth is also good for your child. Because of its consistency and properties, it helps to strengthen the baby’s digestive system.

It is important that you always make sure that these first foods are of good quality. This way you ensure that good eating habits are developed from the first few months of life.

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