You Are Missing So Much: A Letter To The Father Of My Children

The moments that make a father’s life worth living pass you by.
You're missing so much: a letter to my children's father

You are missing out on being a father and all the wonderful experiences you might have. 

After all, the moments and magic of childhood are fleeting; they run through your fingers like sand. The best moments we share, the most precious memories: once they’re over, you’ll never get them back.

I am sorry to see the charm and innocence of our children pass you by. It makes me sad to see you waste their love and joy by simply ignoring the most precious gift life could give us.

I understand the emptiness in your gaze because I know what is missing in your heart. Because you are unable to carry out your duties as the father of two small whirlwinds, you prefer to drink at night and recover from the consequences during the day.

And all along you could have got the most precious thing in the world: at home with us. You’re missing out on being a father.

You are missing out on so much

I’ve evolved just as life has asked for. Everything for her, for my angels. I smiled at you and wished you the very best from the bottom of my heart –  for the benefit of our children.

I pretended not to notice what happened in the days after our breakup. I shielded myself from the pain and protected our children from your bad example. You are so immature that you cannot appreciate the treasures life has given you.

You should have acted like a man too. You should have been someone the kids could look up to and respect. A role model in their life, a good example and a person who can take responsibility.

You should have been there for them when they needed you. But  you failed, and yet they love you from the bottom of their hearts. They think of you and wait for you – in vain.

Here our days are filled with pure, deep, unconditional love. They are full of color, accompanied by the soundtrack of the harmonies of their sweet voices.

The hours passed while we played games, sang songs and cuddled, telling silly jokes and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

You're missing out on fatherhood

I do not judge you, I pity you

I don’t judge you, I pity you. I don’t hate you either. What I feel is nothing but sadness and remorse. 

Because of course I would have liked things to have been different. It really hurts me to see you this way and how you miss out on the best things in life. But I let you go a long time ago.

Time heals all wounds, but it does not undo or undo anything. You can keep trying to make up for lost time and I will continue to enjoy every second that I can spend by the side of our children.

Go to bed with whoever you want, whenever you want. I am the one who is happy to fall asleep with our children in my arms.

Keep living the wild life and perfecting your hangover remedies. Meanwhile, I teach our children to be artists, or doctors, or whatever they dream of and what they want.

You can brag about going out with a different woman every night, but I currently have a love that will last a lifetime.

Just keep going like you did before, making excuses while I create memories. You’d be amazed to see how much your kids have learned, how much they have grown, and how smart they are. None of this is a surprise to me – I was there every day and saw it.

I was there to teach them the lessons of life and strengthen their values. I’m not sure you could even do that. I regret how much you surprise you with her little gestures of affection and loyalty.

Because they are not at all surprising to me. I know how close we are to them and how cute and magical they can be. My greatest strength and my greatest weakness. They love me as much as I love them.

You're missing out on fatherhood

You’re missing out on being a father

As long as you continue to live so selfishly and always put yourself first, you will miss out on being a father and all of its miracles.

I now realize that you weren’t up to the role. After all, being a father is not just a biological function. It’s a full time job and a source of joy and satisfaction.

And now the children who you claim to love so much slip away from you. You don’t know what they want and you don’t know their interests.

And you have no idea about their dreams and fears, their successes and misfortunes, their frustrations and struggles, or what their favorite foods, songs, books or toys are.

You do not know what they have learned and what they are particularly good at. When they have training or competitions, you are never there.

But at least I know that I’ll always be there to cheer them on. I am the face you see when your gaze wanders to the stands for confirmation, and I suggest to you that everything is fine.

I do not judge you. You were just a lost little boy who tried and failed to show them how to be a gentleman. And you don’t have any principles – so how could you teach them how to tell right from wrong.

You miss out on taking on this role that you were never fully up to. I’m not mad at you because I understand that you have never really been able to change.

The fact is, my world changed drastically the day my children were born. Yours, however, has remained the same. Your days and nights haven’t changed.

My anger is now gone and all I feel is regret for you. You’re missing out on fatherhood while I’m here enjoying every second I have with the children I love with all my heart.

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