A Happy Child Is Unruly, Restless And Loud

What childhood is, what it should represent and what value it has for a society. Today there are already several restaurants, bars and hotel offers that clearly mean “no children”.
A happy child is unruly, restless, and loud

It is strange how a movement has emerged in recent years that does not seem to understand the essence of the idea: “A happy child is unruly, restless and loud”. We understand that when every entrepreneur offers a service, he has the freedom to offer what he wants and what is in demand.

Indeed , countries like the United States or the United Kingdom were the first to offer sections in hotels and restaurants with the slogan “Child Free so that the customer does not have to endure tears, running around or children’s games.

A Happy Child - Drawing Catching the MoonWe can understand this idea more or less, but what is more difficult for us to understand are those situations in which suddenly this “adulthood” is demanded and one ceases to tolerate the world of childhood. We invite you to ponder these situations.

The unruly child and the “allegedly” bad mother

We are sure that more than one mother will have experienced the following situation. We are in public and suddenly our child starts crying. And all eyes are critically on us as if we were bad mothers.

This has been regularly denounced on social networks and other media recently. Here are two examples that serve to contextualize the idea of ​​”child phobia”.

Critical and incomprehensible situations

Sarah Blackwood is a well-known Canadian singer who had one of the most uncomfortable moments of her life two years ago. On a flight to Vancouver, she was seven months pregnant and was traveling with her 23-month-old child.

  • The plane hadn’t taken off when her son burst into tears. The passengers began to look at her and whisper. It wasn’t long before she heard the usual phrase, “These mothers today don’t know how to raise children” .
  • Soon the stewardess appeared and told her to calm her son down, otherwise they would be forced to ask her to get off the plane. He would disturb the passengers.
  • Sarah Blackwood was startled by the reaction of the passengers. They lacked sensitivity and understanding of what childhood is. It took her son less than 10 minutes to calm down and was calm until landing. But those 10 minutes were enough to upset an entire plane.
    Ein glückliches Kind - Zeichnung spielende Kinder
  • The same thing happened to another young woman who published her story on the “Love What Matters” portal. She also had to take a plane trip, and her baby started crying in mid-flight. She was inundated with criticism, allegations and comments on the plane.
  • The young mother became frightened and nervous, which made the situation worse. But suddenly a “good soul” appeared. An older man approached her and whispered the magical words to her: “ Don’t worry, you are a good mother”.

She then started distracting her baby, talking to him and showing him pictures on her tablet. It was wonderful. At least this person understood what childhood was. A child’s needs, the importance of affection, patience and closeness.

Child phobia or “family-friendly”

Above all else, a rebellious child who explores, looks, is excited, suddenly laughs, and sometimes cries is a happy child who is discovering the world.

All of these uncomfortable situations quoted above almost invite us to the conclusion that there are people who have a wrong idea of ​​what parenting is.

Ein glückliches Kind - Zeichnung Mädchen

A happy child – children need to interact with us

  • When a child cries, it is because they need something from their mother. Children who grow up in orphanages, for example, often stop crying because they understand that no one will take care of them.
  • A recalcitrant and restless child is not the result of a revealing or careless upbringing. Each creature is unique and has its own personality. A happy child is unruly and restless.

A boy or a girl is not a miniature adult. They have to interact with us and the environment around them. Later they will have enough time to be calm and grown up. But now it is necessary to respect this wonderful stage: childhood.

The family-friendly places

With the growing “no children” trend, many places have responded to give an option to those families who have been denied access to many places.

  • Now we can find entertaining offers under the motto “family-friendly”, go to lunch or spend the holidays with the children in places and hotels designed for them.
  • The real customers are children and in every corner you can find real professionals who understand the stage of childhood.
  • All rooms are adapted for children: there are high chairs, colored cups, changing tables, stimulating games … Silence is forbidden and you can be yourself at any time.
  • Because growing up with joy, happiness and respect is something wonderful. Something we should all be promoting.

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