Why Does My Baby Always Wake Up Crying?

Mothers often need to wake up at night to soothe their crying babies. You need to identify the reasons and develop some strategies to calm your child down. 
Why does my baby always wake up crying?

New parents often have to get up at night to calm their crying baby. But why do newborn babies often wake up crying ? There are many explanations for this.

Babies have a shorter REM period than adults. Hence, they spend a lot of time lightly sleeping. This is a primitive survival instinct for recognizing danger quickly.

The baby’s temperament and habits also affect his sleep. Babies wake up several times during the night because they want to eat. After three months you can sleep through longer.

There are many reasons why your newborn will often wake up crying . They may not feel comfortable around them or they may have physical ailments. Over time, parents learn to identify their baby’s symptoms.

Why does my baby always wake up crying?

Crying babies can get their parents’ attention. It is their instinct to seek mom and dad to feel safe. If they have needs or wants, cry to indicate them.

The most common reasons for crying at night are:

Baby always wakes up crying

Separation anxiety

Separation from their mother or father makes newborn babies insecure and puts them on alert. They need the protection of their most important caregivers.

When the baby wakes up and mom and dad aren’t around, it starts to cry.

Long sleep during the day

Of course, if your baby spends most of his day sleeping, he or she is not tired at night. This will keep it awake when it should actually be sleeping.

Then at the end of the day, they want your attention and start crying if they don’t get it. A nap is good for the child, but they shouldn’t sleep too long during the day.

Babies cry when they are hungry

During the day, the child’s small stomach gets used to being constantly fed. Even at night it feels hungry and wants to eat. 

Give your  child enough food before they sleep  so they don’t feel hungry again immediately. At the same time, get used to longer breaks between meals.

Changing diapers at night

Of course, when babies get used to being swaddled quickly, they want a comfortable, dry diaper even at night. They often cry very quickly  so that mom comes right away and changes the diaper.

Baby always crying up - baby_ always_crying_up

What can you do if your baby keeps waking up crying?

First of all, you should  create a calm environment when your baby wakes up crying. That way, it will fall back to sleep faster. 

Don’t look for toys to keep him entertained. At night, you should focus all of your efforts on getting your baby back to sleep peacefully.

It’s important that you don’t pick it up or play games with it. They’ll be happy to see you, and it seems tempting to do just that.

Go slowly into the baby room, speak in a low, gentle voice and gently stroke your child’s head. You want your baby to relax and go back to sleep.

Once you’ve determined that your baby isn’t crying for a serious reason, leave the room. Don’t make the mistake of sleeping there or taking the baby into your bedroom. 

If your baby starts crying again, don’t see him right away. Wait a moment. If it understands you’re not coming, it may go back to sleep on its own. If not, of course you go to him and calm him down.

The main reason your baby keeps waking up crying is because they don’t have a good sleep routine. 

Therefore, you should first correct the necessary things so that you both get enough sleep. In order for your child to develop healthily, they need a lot of sleep.

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