A 5.5 Meter Bed For A Couple And Their Children

Now the six share a huge 5.5-meter bed.
A 5.5 meter bed for a couple and their children

A former rugby player from Belfast and his wife, a yoga teacher, are the couple who share a four -foot bed with their four children. Something unusual for many, but makes the nights more fun thanks to this new design in the room.

Ryan and Kim Constable got a lot of comments when they published their way of going to bed on social networks: a 5.5-meter bed is the protagonist. The couple have four children, Corey (11), Kai (9), Maya (6) and Jack (5).

The six share a huge 5.5-meter bed designed by both parents for the comfort of all family members. A spacious room, a double bed, a medium-sized bed and a single bed are the perfect components to completely transform bedtime for parents and children.

Many are probably wondering where this idea came from. It all started with a comment from her eldest son, Corey. One day he noticed that when he was younger he had slept with his parents most of the time. A point that sparked a wave of jealousy and questions from his little siblings.

The dynamic was already established. When the children got older they moved into their own rooms and when the next baby was born they shared a bedroom with their parents.

What they would not have believed is that their older children no longer wanted to sleep alone, but rather in the same room with them. And so they finally decided to build a 5.5 meter bed. Now they can all sleep together at night and read stories, play games and talk about the day until they fall asleep.

The 24-hour mother

5.5 meter bed - sleeping woman

The publication of this bedroom design sparked so much comment that multiple media outlets contacted Kim the mother to find out all the details about this idea, including how she and her husband can enjoy time alone.

In an interview for the This Morning program , Kim says the main benefit of this invention is that her nights are not so hectic as she doesn’t have to walk from room to room to make sure her little one is fine.

“Some people think that by eight o’clock in the evening you stop being a mother when the kids go to bed. That they stay alone in a dark room and sleep through the night. But the reality is often different, ”Kim assures in an interview.

She also explains that for most aspects of her house there are no set routines, everything happens naturally. And at bedtime, they let each child have their own rhythm. The younger children go to bed between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. and the older children between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.

And the intimacy?

Well, one of the questions that arises from this is when does the couple enjoy quality time alone. Both are athletes, with hectic schedules and then they share a bed with their children at night. For many, it will seem impossible to find a suitable moment for intimacy.

In the interview, however, Kim explained that the two with their children speak very openly about this issue and that they often sleep in the guest room for their “adult intimacy” to enjoy ß s. And in addition to this practice, reserve one day a week for breakfast or dinner without children so that they can have their moments as a couple.

Science confirms it – the 5.5 meter bed

5.5 meter bed - happy baby

This topic has been analyzed and criticized, so Kim defends her idea, relying on the scientific advantages of this practice.

“Science and research have shown that early independence actually creates early independence … children who are forced to grow up and be independent before they’re ready can become frightened people who crave it for essentially their entire lives will be able to return to the safe womb, ”argues Kim.

The controversial publication certainly got more than a few parents to think about. However, not all of them will build a 5.5 meter bed straight away. But you have to recognize the needs of your children. Cover these and give them the freedom and confidence to be independent adults in the future. One way or another, you need to always be attentive and be there for them as they develop.

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