Fatigue While Breastfeeding: This Is How You Fight It!

Breastfeeding makes you tired, so we have various tips for you against fatigue.
Breastfeeding Fatigue: How To Fight It!

Breastfeeding is important for newborns. You will receive important nutrients that promote growth and healthy development. But it also demands a lot of energy from the mother and leads to fatigue when breastfeeding.

Fortunately, there are solutions to combat this fatigue. Then learn more about the topic.

Breastfeeding makes many mothers feel weak and tired. This feeling usually disappears after a few weeks. Besides, it’s completely normal.

How do you combat fatigue while breastfeeding?

1. Good nutrition

Good nutrition is the best way to combat breastfeeding fatigue. You have more energy when you get all the nutrients your body needs.

Proteins should not be missing in your nutrition plan! Simple changes can make a big difference:  add lean meat, fish, milk, cheese, and vegetables to your eating plan  to get more protein.

Foods high in fiber can also give you an energy boost. They take longer to be digested. This will keep you satiated and strengthened longer.

At the same time, you should also eat foods that  are rich in iron. An iron deficiency can also lead to fatigue.

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2. More sleep

You’ve probably slept less than usual since your baby was born.  Your child needs you at night and that disrupts your sleep rhythm. This, too, can lead to fatigue when breastfeeding.

Try to sleep more! It’s not easy, but you have to make up for the time lost in the night in the day.

You should try it because sleep is still the best way to feel refreshed and recharge your batteries. Try to get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep at night whenever you can.

You can also take a nap with your baby during the day. Your family can also help you if you are particularly exhausted.

3. Drink enough

Drinking enough water while breastfeeding  can also increase your energy levels. Dehydration makes you feel tired and your body is not performing as well.

Put a glass of water next to you  when breastfeeding your child. You can also drink water when you change breasts.

Make sure you always have a bottle of water with you. It is important to drink enough during the day!

4. Sports

While it sounds a bit contradicting, exercise  can help combat fatigue while breastfeeding. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins that give you energy. Your blood oxygen will also increase.

However, you shouldn’t start exercising until  your doctor gives you the green light. Your body must first have recovered from the rigors of childbirth.

Exercise will also help you regain the figure you had before you became pregnant.

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5. Take time for yourself

Lastly, you also need  to remember to take time for yourself to combat breastfeeding fatigue.

If you frequently feel overtired, your doctor should check you for certain illnesses. Anemia, thyroid problems, and other medical problems  can occur after childbirth.

It is important to find out if you have any of these conditions.

But don’t forget  your emotional needs either. After giving birth, some mothers feel depressed and drained. Trust your family and seek professional help if necessary.

It is normal for new mothers to go through this phase.

If you only ever feel tired  after following all of our tips, you should definitely seek medical advice and, if necessary, treatment. 

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