How To Remove Stains From Children’s Clothing

With a kid who’s always on the go and likes to get dirty, doing laundry can be a real challenge. With this advice, you can remove the stains from kids’ clothes and keep them looking new.
This is how you can remove stains from children's clothing

If you’re wondering the best way to remove stains from kids’ clothing, read this advice because it will save you time and money.

No matter how hard you try to keep your children neat and tidy, getting dirty is a part of childhood. Having to remove stains from children’s clothing is a sign that your children are exploring their environment.

These tips for removing stains from children’s clothing work reliably on both fresh and old stains. You can use them to clean children’s clothes and keep them looking new. They are not only useful for removing stains from children’s clothing, but also for your own clothing.

How to remove stains from children’s clothing: the best tips

Talcum powder

You can use talcum powder to soak up  stains from sauce or oil splatters  as if by magic . All you have to do is sprinkle talcum powder generously on the fresh stain and wait for the powder to soak up the oil.

When the talcum powder has done its job, you can wash the clothes regularly with warm water and a good detergent to remove the stains from children’s clothes.

Remove stains from children's clothing with lemon juice

Lemon juice

The ingredients in lemon juice are ideal for removing stains from children’s clothing. If your child has soiled a white shirt with mud or mud, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on the area.

Let the shirt dry in the sun, then wash it as usual.

White vinegar

To freshen up white or colored clothing, you can add white vinegar to the laundry. Put half a cup of white vinegar in the washing machine for the dishwashing program and you’ll quickly notice the difference.

You can also soak soiled clothes in vinegar. This makes it easy to remove stains from food or deodorant from children’s clothing.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide works on the toughest of stains. Mix hydrogen peroxide with some toothpaste .

Mix the mixture well and rub it  on the stained clothing with a soft rag . Let it soak in for 30 minutes and then rinse it out. Whatever kind of pollution it was, it will be completely gone.

baking powder

Baking soda can be used to keep walls, floors and bathtubs shiny and clean, but also to remove stains from children’s clothing. It is even better that it is cheap and often already at hand.

Baking soda can remove stains from children’s clothing and soften the fabric, remove unpleasant odors and increase the effectiveness of your washing powder.

Mix a soft paste of water and baking soda and gently rub it into the garment. You can also add a few spoons of baking soda to the washing machine in the washing machine.

Table salt

If a stain is still damp, table salt can soak up the liquid. When the salt has dried, you can brush it off the fabric and wash the garment.

If you have laundry that is easy to fade, you can add a little salt to the laundry to keep it colored.


Another trick you can use to remove stains from children’s clothing is using toothpaste. Use a cream, not a gel.

Squeeze some toothpaste on the dirt and rub it in with a clean toothbrush. Let the toothpaste do its job for a few minutes, then wash it off with a wet brush or rag.

Removing stains from children's clothing shows that the child is exploring the world around them

One last tip, especially for soiled pillows, is to use shampoo. From time to time, oil from your skin and hair will build up on the pillowcase.

Take shampoo and make some lather. Leave this on the pillowcase for a few minutes and wash it off again.

With these home remedies, you can easily remove stains from children’s clothes and keep the whole family’s clothes in tip-top condition. Remember to use a mild detergent  on baby clothes  .

Removing stains from children’s clothing is a thing of the past with the tips above.

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