My Grandchild: My Little Darling Who Fell From The Sky

My grandchild, the best gift
My grandchild: my little darling who fell from the sky

My grandchild is my little darling who fell from the sky. It’s a second chance the gods gave me. My chance to love limitlessly and without additional worries. Another chance to do good things and keep building the future.

This child, the fruit of the love of this little being that I gave birth, is my everything today. It gives me the courage to overcome the pain of old age. I want to live longer now just to stay by his side.

My grandchild is the oxygen that enables me to live more intensely every day. It’s my whole universe, it’s all about my grandchild. It is the source of admiration and deep love that I feel. When it visits me, my home is full of colors and my last stage of life is full of joy.

My grandchild, the best gift

My grandchild - drawing grandma and grandchildren

My grandchild is the best gift my child could have given me. The love I feel for them is unique, so different from the immense love I first felt when I first saw my beloved child. I give all my time to my grandchild because they give me their infectious smile and their eyes shine when they see me.

It has restored my ability to wonder by filling my life with new strength and hope. It’s like a wonderful dream that luckily has come true. Today the sound of his innocent voice is the most important thing for me. His pictures hanging in my house are like trophies.

My grandchild is the best reward I could have got after raising my little darling with love. She has so much love for this grandmother who is already getting tired and who is waiting all the time to shower the little one with kisses and hugs.

My grandchild is my past, my present and my future. My story, my family and my blood. Because of this, I can’t refuse him anything. I can achieve the impossible for my grandchild. It is my spoiled child, my accomplice and favorite companion.

This little darling makes it possible for me to travel back in time. I remember those beautiful days of my childhood. I can smell the old scents and remember games. And I remember my innocence, imagination and freshness. I can remember the simplicity and freedom and think about what I’ve lost over the years.

My grandchild, my dream and my occupation

This little baby that I see growing up before me makes me dream again to be part of his dreams. It showed me that I still have so much to learn. My grandchild awakened new passions in me that I thought were impossible. It came into this world to soften my heart even more.

My grandchild - drawing grandma and granddaughter on meadow

To see what interests it, to listen to the stories that amaze it, to watch it rock or slide, is pure magic. His beautiful face and that cute “ grandma ” are enough to drive me crazy. I promise to bring you the stars from the sky and to shower you with candy every afternoon.

To agree to every whim, to give him all my love and to accompany him in every moment of his life, that is my new occupation. Changing diapers, calming tantrums, and putting it on my lap to entertain have been my priorities since my grandchild’s arrival.

I don’t care if my child, son-in-law or daughter-in-law cannot understand this deep love. Your temporary anger is not important to me. They did not understand me as a mother until they were parents themselves and they will not understand my current behavior until they are grandparents themselves.

My little darling, my world, my universe and everything. This has been my grandchild since I knew I was going to be a grandmother. I just want them to have a full and happy life and I ask God that I can enjoy it with them for as long as possible. Because I want to be the one who dries his tears when he’s sad and makes him smile again.

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