The Little Prince: 6 Things The Book Can Teach

The nice thing about literature is that you can often learn things for your life through it too. Because sometimes there is real wisdom in the stories. Today we are going to introduce you to some of the famous book “The Little Prince”.
The little prince: 6 things the book can teach

The Little Prince by the French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was published 76 years ago. But the work is still a classic among the classics in literature. Although it is considered a children’s book, they often do not understand the meaning of the stories it tells.

One of the most important aspects of this book in particular is that The Little Prince conveys various lessons and values ​​to his readers. That’s why today we’re telling you about the most important things The No Prince can teach you and your children while reading.

As an adult, you can help your little ones to interpret the stories in the book correctly and to learn valuable lessons from them.

Lessons from the book The Little Prince

1. The essential is invisible to the eyes

One of the most important and outstanding sentences in The Little Prince is this: “ One can only see clearly with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes . “

The little prince and the fox

With this sentence Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wants to make it clear that people’s appearance is not important. It is not the outside that counts, but the inner values ​​are important. So you have to recognize the inside of the other person and reduce your own prejudices.

There is also another aspect that this sentence refers to: namely that you cannot buy the really important things in life with money. It is not material things that count. On the contrary: it’s love, friendship and respect. Because these are, among other things, the values ​​that really mean something in people’s lives.

2. Discover new things

Something everyone should do: move out of their comfort zone. And discover new sensations, make new experiences. Because if you never leave this comfort zone, you gradually lose contact with yourself. And you miss things that life can offer you. Of course, this includes both good and less good experiences. But in the end it is precisely these different experiences in life that can teach people certain things.

3. The importance and value of friendship

One of the most famous chapters of The Little Prince is the one in which the protagonist and the fox become friends. Using the affection and connection between them, the author wants to show the importance of good friends. But more importantly: you also learn that it is important to cultivate these friendships and keep them going over time.

And for the author, it’s not just about the value of friendship itself. He also wants to emphasize something else: namely, how important it is to devote time to the people you really love. This is the only way to build really important personal relationships with one another.

What else can the little prince teach

4. Chase your dreams and grow beyond yourself every day

Another famous and important phrase in the book is this: “ It’s crazy to hate all roses just because one stung you. It’s crazy to give up all your dreams just because one didn’t come true.

What the author wants to say with this sentence is: Despite the obstacles and difficulties that life can sometimes cause people, one must not give up. You have to keep fighting for what you want most. Until you reach it.

The little prince and the flower

5. One of The Little Prince’s most important lessons : know yourself

Before you show love for other people, even before you get to know or judge other people , you have to know yourself.

Because that’s the only way to know what you are actually capable of. You don’t just have to know your limits. But one must also be able to practice healthy and wise self-criticism before judgment on others. Because only in this way will mind and heart be in peace and in harmony with the world.

6. You only live once

And there is another lesson from The Little Prince that runs through the whole story. It says that, regardless of whether you are young or already grown up, you always have to keep your childish side. This means that one thing is particularly important: despite all the difficulties that life as an adult can bring, you always need time to enjoy life.

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