Your Baby Is 5 Months Old – What Has Changed?

You feel like the birth was yesterday, but your baby is 5 months old. Let’s look together at what is important in this new phase. 
Your baby is 5 months old - what has changed?

More agility, more interaction with people in the environment and careful observation of the like are just some of the characteristics that you can see now. Your baby is 5 months old, so it is good to know what is changing during this phase.

Your baby is 5 months old and can move much better thanks to the development of his muscles. Babies this age try to sit down again and again, and with help they can do that too. Pillows can also help.

Your baby’s development can also be seen in how it comes into contact with others. Now they are no longer fixated on their parents, but also curious about other people.

By the age of 5 months, all of your baby’s senses are developed. This is noticeable by the fact that it is now perceiving its surroundings much more carefully. It is listening and watching now.

Take the chance and talk to your baby. It will notice if you talk to him or say his name. Your baby is 5 months old – this is the ideal time for you to communicate and interact.

Your baby is 5 months old – what to expect

Here are some of the typical (but not all) characteristics of a 5 month old baby.

  • Weight Gain : By 5 months of age, babies gain approximately 150 grams per week. According to the WHO, a weight of around 6.8 kilograms is considered healthy for a 5 month old girl. For boys, the guideline value is slightly higher, namely 7 kg.
  • Size:  By 5 months, girls should be 63-65 cm tall and boys 65-67 cm long.
  • Strength: By 5 months, a baby should be able to hold his head for a while. Your baby will also try to sit up and sit up, or even stand up if you put them on a firm surface.

Baby is 5 months old

  • Senses:  Your baby’s eyesight and hearing have improved over the past few months. Your baby can now locate where noises are coming from and also recognize faces. The sound of his name is also gradually becoming familiar to him so that he can react to it.
  • Diet:  Experts still recommend exclusively breastfeeding up to 6 months. However, you can slowly introduce other foods as well. However, these should always be pureed or at least crushed, because your baby does not yet have teeth.
  • Sleep:  Your baby sleeps 8 to 10 hours at night and over and over again during the day. It’s getting easier now to establish a rhythm.
  • Immune System:  Your baby’s immune system is still developing, so it is important to vaccinate.

Your baby is 5 months old – what else is important?

Can my baby handle pets yet? If you had a pet before your baby was born, it is likely that the pet has already gotten used to the new roommate and has now also gotten used to a little less attention.

Handling the pet will teach your child how to handle an animal, but you should always be there. It should always be ensured that your pet does not frighten or hurt your baby. 

A game that specialists recommend for exactly this age is very simple: Lay your baby on its back and show him a toy. Your child will fix it and reach out to reach for it.

Now move the object from side to side so that your child turns around. This simple exercise will help him develop his abs and also stimulate his senses.

Has the birth of your child changed your relationship?

The birth of a child brings with it a hurricane of happiness and uncertainty. But as time goes by, you too grow with the new task and find your way around the new role.

You learn, your baby is growing, and together you gain a lot of experience. This allows you to establish a certain routine in everyday life.

Relaxing and investing time in relationship with your partner is never a bad idea. This quickly fades into the background, especially in the first few months.

Put your baby in the capable and experienced hands of the grandparents or a babysitter and go out to eat or to the cinema or at least take a short walk together.

Both you and your baby will benefit if you recharge your batteries every now and then and stay in a positive mood.

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