Colored Balloons: 7 Games For You And Your Baby

Allow your child to play with balloons, but never let them out of your sight. 
Colored balloons: 7 games for you and your baby

Colored balloons are great for stimulating your baby’s senses. It can observe colors and movements and has great fun doing it at the same time.

Mothers should  always have colored balloons  close at hand. They are wonderful for attracting young children’s attention. Babies don’t need many things to get to know the world around them. 

Play with colored balloons for you and your baby

Tie colored balloons around your baby’s ankle

Babies love exercise. Simply tie a few colored balloons around your child’s  ankles. You will immediately notice how enthusiastically it moves its legs and watches the balloons move.

If you put your baby in front of a mirror so they can watch themselves, they’ll have more fun doing it!

Colored balloons over the baby bed

Colored Balloons - Colored_Ballons-2Hang different balloons over your baby’s bed so that they can touch them and enjoy the different colors.

It’s best to hang them up so that your baby can easily touch the balloons without injuring themselves or being able to tear the balloons off.

Your baby will have a great time for a while. As soon as he gets bored, you can set up a fan nearby to make the balloons dance.

Helium balloons

Find a store that sells helium-filled balloons. Then release these in your baby’s room.

Close the door and windows to prevent the balloons from escaping and turn on the air conditioning or a fan. The air will let the balloons wander over the ceiling!

Water balloons

Most babies love water and so do bath time. However, if this is not the case, you can use exercise balloons to entertain your child while they are  sitting in the bathtub. 

Whether your baby is a water rat or not, this trick will delight every child.

If your baby can sit up straight, they may even want to play with themselves and the floating balloons for a while.

Toys in balloon

Farbige Ballons - Farbige_Ballons

You can make clear balloons extra interesting with small, lightweight toys. Simply put the object in the balloon before inflating.

Your child can see the contents of the clear balloons and play with them until they burst. Then the toy remains. It’s great fun!

Stimulate your baby’s sense of hearing

Balloons are not only great for stimulating your baby’s sense of touch and visual perception. They can also be used to stimulate the sense of hearing. 

To do this, stand in front of your baby and take a balloon in your hands. Make the balloon squeak by rubbing your fingers across its surface.

First you will notice how your child is sitting there very quietly and hear what is happening. But once it realizes that this is a game, it will wiggle its arms back and forth with joy.

Use balloons to help your child eat more

If your child doesn’t like to eat, you can just distract them. Because it is likely that they will not even be aware of how much or what they are eating. 

Give your baby the balloon they love best and allow them to play with it while you feed them.

However, don’t forget that safety always comes first. Unlike other toys, balloons can break quickly.

You’ll need to remove the scraps because your baby could choke on them if they put them in their mouth. Allow your child to play with balloons, but never let them out of your sight.

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