Why A Godmother Is Important In A Child’s Life

Today we want to talk about the role of godparents in I am a mother.
Why a godmother is important in a child's life

Many mothers know the pressure when it comes to choosing a godmother for their children. Even so, we don’t always realize the important role these will play in the lives of our little ones.

Contrary to popular belief, godmothers are more than roles that you assign for religious reasons or for occasions like birthday parties.

During the first few years of a child’s life, family and friends experience the excitement of this special time. Everything is full of laughter, fun and still relatively easy.

But the individual caregivers are more important than we might think.

Godmothers are a special and important person in our child’s life. They have characteristics that set them apart from other family members.

A godmother does not necessarily have to be related to her godchild by blood. A godmother can be a friend’s mother’s friend or someone else who played an important role in their life, such as a cousin.

The tradition of appointing godparents comes from Catholicism. Parents of a baby should choose two special people so that the child can receive sacred baptism.

These two persons are the godparents of the child and they are chosen to look after the children if the biological parents are unable to do so.

The tasks of a godmother

  • Take care of the well-being of the sponsored child
  • Giving advice in times of conflict
  • Help raise the child
  • To love and protect the child
  • Build bridges between the sponsored child and his or her parents, if necessary
  • Be a role model that the child can follow
  • Be there at the important moments in the child’s life (birthdays, graduation, school events, religious occasions, weddings, etc.)
  • Maintain open and constant communication with the child
  • Make the sponsored child happy and have fun together


How should I choose a godmother for my child?

First and foremost, remember to choose someone you can trust completely. Find someone who has proven themselves worthy of the role.

She should be someone who is responsible, smart, caring, and able to look after your child’s safety and wellbeing.

The person you choose to be your child’s godmother will be a combination of a second mother and a close friend for your child.

Choose your child’s godmother carefully – don’t just choose someone. Even if you do have a close relationship with someone, that doesn’t mean they have the skills and resources to play such an important role in your child’s life.

Sister or girlfriend?

When it comes to choosing the right person for the role of godmother, this is a problem that often arises.

First, the choice is not easy. Second, there could be conflicts and arguments with someone who thought they were selected and then got passed over. Finally, it is very difficult to please everyone.

Social relationships are complicated and require tact and balance.

In some families it is customary to choose the mother’s sister to be the godmother of their niece or nephew. This is because she is already connected to the baby through her family relationship and will likely be a good mentor.

Nevertheless, it is not a must to choose your sister as your child’s godmother.

In some cases the mother is an only child or has no close relationship with her sister. Nor should we forget aunts, grandparents, cousins ​​and the father’s sisters; they could all also play the role of godmother.

The most important thing is that we choose a good candidate instead of deciding solely on the basis of family relationships.

Some also follow the tradition of naming their best friends as godparents for their child.

So should you ask yourself: sister or girlfriend? Then the answer is: choose the one that is best for your child.

There is no time here for your own preferences and competition, it depends on who is best placed to help care for and guide your child.

What do I have to do if I am a godmother?


If you’ve been chosen to be a godmother, consider yourself lucky! This is a role that is valued by parents. They chose you carefully and from a multitude of important people in their lives.

If they chose you, it’s because they trust you and know that you will always be there.

The most important thing a godmother has to do is love the godchild. Your job is to play with the child, help them when they need you, watch them grow up and give advice.

Don’t feel as though you have to shower your godchild with gifts. A godmother is not a toy store. From now on you are part of the family and you should act that way.

You could also become the child’s guardian should something happen to the mother and father.

Don’t let this aspect intimidate you. It doesn’t mean something bad is going to happen. But should it come to an accident, the child will need your support.

The title you have been given brings respect and admiration. Don’t be nervous or think that you are unprepared. When it comes to loving someone, you are always ready.

Talk to the parents

If you have any concerns or doubts, talk about them. First of all, you should bring this up to the child’s parents. They will explain to you why they chose you and no one else.

Without a doubt, they will also equip you with some tools and tips to help you understand their expectations and fulfill your role without any problems.

Remember that no one can force you to do something you don’t want. For some, the role of godmother is a blessing, but for others it can be a source of stress.

This could depend on other environmental influences that are responsible for the fact that a woman is physically and emotionally unable to do so. The most important thing is always that you are honest.

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