What Can Parents Do If Their Children Argue All The Time?

It is completely normal for children to argue. Sometimes you will be able to control these situations. In other cases, however, an argument can get out of your hands.
What can parents do if their children argue all the time?

If your children argue all the time, keep in mind that this is often a way for them to assert their identities. In general, they also try to attract your attention and put your limits to the test.

As mentioned earlier, it is normal for children to argue. This is especially true when they spend a lot of time together and need to share not only their toys but also their parents’ attention.

Parents should therefore set limits and also determine when their children’s arguments should end. Why is it important to set limits? So that these habits don’t continue into adulthood.

Usually, there are often arguments between siblings when they are between the ages of five and six. They argue and get pissed off for many reasons. They are either jealous or have a hard time sharing.

However, the reasons for reasoning change with age. They then usually keep arguing for extra attention from their parents.

A common cause of fights among children is jealousy

What can you do to keep your children from fighting all the time?

Don’t look for the cause

It is important that you watch yourself as you watch your children. This can give you a lot of clues as to what mistakes you are making yourself. It will also help you realize that things are not black or white.

There is no such thing as a good or a bad child. Sometimes one child starts arguing. In another case, the other child starts the argument.

Avoid getting involved in the cause of the fight or who started the fight. That way you are not part of the discussion.

Separate your children when they cross the line

If your children start yelling, hitting each other, or insulting each other, get involved in the situation. Tell them to agree not to argue.

You don’t want to know what happened and then you will separate them for a while. Why? Because they have shown that they don’t know how to get along together.

The length of the separation depends on the age of your children. For younger children, 5 minutes should be sufficient. When the time is up, let the “brawlers” play together again. This gives them an opportunity to show that they can be together and behave well.

Separate your children if they get violent in an argument

Should you punish your children when they argue?

If you observe your children’s behavior and motivation, you will find that your children are really looking for your attention. While this is the wrong way to go, they want you to stop what you’re doing and give them extra attention.

In these cases, the best way to end this behavior is through positive reinforcement. This means recognizing their good behavior not with material things, but with your attention as a mother or father.

You should learn to encourage positive behavior in your children – for example, when they are not arguing. You should be with them and praise or reward them every time they play peacefully, share their stuff, and behave well.

It is very important that your children are on good terms with one another in order to promote a calm and harmonious family environment. The best thing you can do is promote peace in a confident and loving way.

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