Prevention Against Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Proper nutrition and plenty of moisture are essential to prevent stretch marks during and after pregnancy. 
Prevention against stretch marks during pregnancy

A great many women get  stretch marks during pregnancy. It is a purely cosmetic problem that is in no way harmful to health.

However, once the stretch marks are there, it is very difficult to get rid of them. At best, the complexion can be improved a little. Therefore, preventive care is essential to prevent  stretch marks during pregnancy  as much as possible.

Causes of stretch marks in pregnancy

This pharmacist explains that mechanical factors are responsible for the increase in fat and connective tissue during pregnancy. The increasing body volume leads to the stretching of the skin. 

Hormonal changes are linked to increased estrogen production, which weakens collagen fibers and elastin. Therefore, these support structures become thinner.

Prevention against stretch marks during pregnancy

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential before, during, and after pregnancy. Because the skin has to be cared for from the inside and outside. Your health depends not only on genetic factors, but also on certain nutrients in particular.

The right diet can promote elastin formation, the skin remains firmer and the risk of stretch marks is lower.

proper nutrition in pregnancy

Foods with  silicon, such as potatoes, beetroot and whole grain products, should not be missing. Spinach and Swiss chard are also important in promoting collagen production and tightening the skin.

In addition, healthy fatty acids, which can be found in avocado, dried fruit or coconut, for example, are essential.

Also,  adequate vitamin C should not be missed to improve the elasticity of the skin. This allows you to counteract the harmful effects of UV rays and prevent premature skin aging at the same time.

Vitamin C can be found in lemons, strawberries, peppers, papaya and tomatoes, for example.

Don’t forget to drink enough to  keep your skin hydrated from the inside and stimulate the elimination of harmful substances. 

Moisturizing from the outside

You should start with this at an early stage, because here, too, the following applies: Prevention is the best medicine.

Use natural oils to nourish and moisturize your skin after you shower. The oil should be completely absorbed in order to deeply nourish the skin.

Coconut oil, almond oil, argan or rose oil are particularly suitable for this  Depending on your skin type, you can choose the most suitable care product for you. Use it regularly!

Skin care during pregnancy

Massages as a preventive measure against stretch marks

A massage will help you relax and take care of your skin at the same time. You can use the oils mentioned earlier to keep your skin hydrated as well.

In particular, focus on those areas where stretch marks are particularly common during pregnancy:


Put a little oil on your hands and  gently self-massage your breasts. Include the shoulders and the area under the breasts as well.


Massage the oil  over your entire abdomen in gentle, circular motions  until it is absorbed by the skin.

Hips and thighs

A circular massage with moisturizing oils is also worthwhile in these areas  You can apply a little more pressure here because the hips and thighs are less sensitive. Carefully massage the chosen oil into the skin.

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