Is A Nap Really Necessary For Your Child?

A midday nap is not only a good way to recharge your batteries, it also helps strengthen your memory. In this article we explain when and how long your child should sleep.
Is an afternoon nap really necessary for your child?

An afternoon nap is important to regain new energy and promote healthy growth in the child. Most toddlers love a little nap, because afterwards they are relaxed and in a good mood.

But how long should the nap last and up to what age? Find out more about this topic here. 

Up to what age is an afternoon nap advisable?

The younger the child, the more sleep they need. It is best to take three naps a day until she is two years old. You can break it down as follows:

  • In the morning:  Babies between 4 and 9 months of age usually sleep up to three hours in the morning.
  • After lunch: As your child gets older, the hours will decrease. Napping after eating is still important, however.
  • In the afternoon:  Children under one year of age usually need a break in the late afternoon.

    Until the age of two, your child should nap at least twice a day. If that is not possible, it should rest for at least an hour.

    It is still advisable to take a nap afterwards, but that also depends on the child. Because some need more sleep and relaxation than others. Only if your little one cannot sleep at night should you shorten their nap or do without it altogether. 

    An afternoon nap - a_nap-2

    Benefits of an afternoon nap in children

    A nap not only helps your child relax, but also restores the energy lost during the day. 

    As a result, they are not in a bad mood, nor are they too tired or too hyperactive. It can also use this opportunity to calm down. This break prevents possible fits of anger.

    You too can rest or do things for yourself.

    Your child will also be more willing to accept food. So it can develop better and grow up healthily.

    On the other hand , it will also store the things it has learned in its memory during sleep. This strengthens his intelligence and memory.

    How do you get your child to take a nap?

    Although most children like this time,  there are some who refuse to take a nap. This is mostly because they have more fun things to do, like playing an interesting game.

    It thinks it is wasting its time sleeping. However, the  symptoms it shows when you’re feeling drowsy will help you figure out when it’s perfect for bedtime. 

    If they are constantly yawning and unable to concentrate or are in a bad mood, they are probably suffering from lack of sleep. They may also be very interested in their vial and often rub their eyes.

    These signs mean it’s time to take a nap. If you wait too long, your child may have trouble falling asleep in the evening.

    Keeping a good routine will help him get the best sleep possible. 

    A good place to sleep

    To prevent your child from falling asleep everywhere, they  should get used to taking their nap in bed. That way, it always rests in the same place.

    With this in mind, you should also try  to keep the atmosphere in the house as calm and quiet as possible. 

    However, your child should get used to certain noises. Especially if you have several children.

    Your little one should also be able to differentiate between day and night sleep. For example, you can leave the door or window a little open to let some light into the room.

    An afternoon nap - an afternoon nap

    Regular sleep routine

    An afternoon nap should last between 45 minutes and an hour for your child.

    However, if your child only  sleeps once a day, this nap can last for two hours. Regular sleep times are very important because your child will get used to it and will always sleep and get up at the same time.

    You can help your child fall asleep with  relaxing music. Every child is different, find out for yourself what works best for yours.

    Remember, nap time is very important and has many benefits for your child. But be careful: Too much sleep is counterproductive!

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