The Symptothermal Method To Get Pregnant

The Symptothermal Method can help you figure out the best time to conceive and get to know your body better.
The symptothermal way to get pregnant

If you would like to get pregnant, the  Symptothermal Method  can help. At the same time, you will become more familiar with your body and learn important things about your cycle.

Your menstrual cycle is usually regular,  provided there are no disturbances.

Of course, nervousness or other factors can cause irregularities, but it is still an effective method. However, do not forget that it is not 100% secure! 

Nevertheless, the symptothermal method is very helpful. Because if you can interpret the signs of your body, this is already an important step.

Keep in mind, however, that every body is different and, despite the best method, it doesn’t always have to work. Some women try not to get pregnant, others would give anything to have a child. 

But regardless of that, it’s always good to know the menstrual cycle and pay attention to the body’s signals. In fact, the Symptothermal Method can bring you benefits in other areas of your life as well.

If you want to get pregnant, you will  learn more about your willingness to  conceive. However, you have to observe and organize yourself carefully in order to actually achieve the desired result.

How does the symptothermal method work?

Determining when you will be most fertile is the most important thing you can do to get pregnant. So you can use and plan the best time.

Of course, this is also important if you don’t want to get pregnant. Knowing when you are most fertile tells you when to be most vigilant about your contraception.

Menstrual symptoms repeat every month. Hence, it is important to know the signs in order to determine the exact phase of the cycle.

If you consciously follow the changes in your body, you can predict the arrival of your period. In the same way, you will know when you are fertile and even when you are pregnant.

The symptothermal method is not so well known and is dismissed by some as outdated.

But it is still effective if done correctly. Because the correct analysis of certain signs can predict the best moment for conception. However, positive results depend on whether this technique is used correctly.

The following factors must be taken into account:

Basal body temperature

The body temperature when you wake up is called the basal temperature. So you have to measure the temperature in the morning before you get up.

You will find that the waking temperature on ovulation day is higher than on the other days of  the cycle. This is due to the increased levels of progesterone.

Basal body temperature rises approximately half a degree when ovulation occurs and remains elevated for up to 24 hours before your period. So when the waking temperature drops again, your menstrual period will soon begin. 

Here’s how you can measure your basal body temperature:

  • Always measure the temperature at the same time. Always under your arm before you get up. 
  • Make a note of the result and possible factors that could affect the temperature. For example, if you went to bed later, are taking medication, it’s very hot …
  • Discipline and regularity are very important when measuring the temperature to get up. This is the only way to get correct results.
  • At the same time, pay attention to other body signals, such as a feeling of tightness in the chest, bloated abdomen or stomach, abdominal pain, headache, acne, dizziness, etc.

Cervical mucus

Symptothermale Methode

Observe the amount and nature of the cervical mucus,  because this also provides important information. 

Again, you have to keep a book and write down your observations. The cervical mucus shows your fertility. 

For example, you can tell from the toilet paper what consistency the mucus has and what phase your cycle is in.

  • At the end of your period, you will notice some dryness.
  • In the following days, the mucus becomes thicker, thicker and stickier.
  • When you are close to ovulating  , more mucus is produced, but it is a little more fluid again. 
  • Elastic, shiny mucus, similar to an egg white, indicates fertility.

Observation of the cervix

You can also tell which cycle phase you are in by the opening and position of the cervix. You can easily do a self-exam with your fingers. 

Based on the changes, you can determine the beginning of the fertile days.  During the fertile period, the cervix is ​​soft and wider, after which it becomes harder and narrower to protect the uterus.

After ovulation, it is very difficult to reach the cervix. However, you must not only rely on cervical observation. Other signals are also very important! 

If you use the Symptothermal Method correctly and regularly write down and analyze your observations, it is a good natural way to determine the best time to conceive.

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