The Best Ways To Protect Babies From The Sun

Protecting ourselves from the sun takes time and commitment. This is even more true when it comes to babies.
The best ways to keep babies safe from the sun

It is of the utmost importance to protect babies from the sun. So read on below to find out how you can prevent sun damage in young children.

Protect babies from the sun

What are the best ways to protect babies from the sun? According to Dr. Hari Cheryl Sachs, an FDA pediatrician, is best to keep babies under six months out of the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Because this is the time when the ultraviolet rays (UV) are most intense.

This course of action may not be entirely possible, but following some recommendations from the pediatrician, it should be noted that a baby’s skin is less mature than that of an adult. Compared to adults and small children, babies have a higher skin-to-surface ratio, depending on their body weight.

According to Dr.  Luna, children under 3 years of age are more susceptible to UV light due to their lower melamine levels, thinner corneal layer and a different ratio of exposed skin to body mass.

According to Dr. Paula Luna, who is a member of the pediatric dermatology team at Ramos Mejía Hospital in Argentina, 50 to 80% of all sun exposure occurs in the first 20 years of our lives. The UV light effects in these years are irreversible and cumulative.

So what should you do

According to Dr. Luna, children under 3 years of age are more susceptible to UV light due to their lower melamine levels, thinner corneal layer and a different ratio of exposed skin to body mass. As a result, they are more sensitive to the sun.

The best ways to keep babies safe from the sun

Some recommendations that Dr. Luna suggests are the following:

  • Avoid the sun at peak times.
  • If possible, stay mostly in the shade and wear the right clothing.
  • Use sunscreen.

Avoiding the sun is important for babies under six months of age as sunscreens are not always recommended for their sensitive skin.

Parents should take good advice from their pediatrician about protecting babies from the sun.

Childhood sunscreen

According to the rules of the FDA there are:

  • 17 approved ingredients while others are still under investigation. If the sun protection factor (SPF) is above 15 and on a broad line (UVB and UVA), it will help prevent sunburn. When used properly, the sunscreen can also prevent premature aging and sun-induced cancer.
  • If, on the other hand, the sun protection factor is below 15 and the line is wide or narrow, it can only help to avoid sunburn.

How can pediatricians help protect babies from the sun?

  • With professional advice. According to Dr. Laura should make recommendations for preventing sun damage as part of a healthy child’s routine checkups.
  • By strengthening these safety measures in children between the ages of 9 and 10 and letting them actively participate.
  • Make a recommendation against the use of solariums.
  • Recommend to avoid exposure to the sun during peak hours.
  • The advice to stay in the shade if possible.
  • For children under 6 months of age, encourage parents to use routine SFP.

At first glance, protecting babies from the sun may seem complicated.  However, if you don't do this, it can be very damaging in the long run.

Is It Difficult to Protect Babies from the Sun?

At first glance, protecting babies from the sun may seem complicated. However, if you don’t do this, it can be very damaging in the long run. Just like with seatbelts or dental hygiene, it should therefore be very important to establish healthy habits when it comes to sun protection.

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