The Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Mothers

Breast milk provides the baby with all the important nutrients it needs for healthy development. But breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the baby, the mother also benefits. This reduces the risk of breast cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer, for example. 
The benefits of breastfeeding for mothers

Not only can the baby enjoy the  benefits of breastfeeding , the mother also benefits in many ways. With the breast milk, the infant receives all the nutrients it needs in the first few months of life. Skin contact with the mother is also important, because this gives the little one security and other advantages.

But today’s article is about the  benefits of breastfeeding  for mothers. Because these are just as important and very useful for the whole family. Read on to learn more about it. 

The benefits of breastfeeding for mothers 

Breast milk best meets the infant’s nutritional needs. It contains proteins, minerals, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates in the right amount and combination that the child can digest well. The texture and consistency of breast milk simplify the absorption and also the correct elimination of the residues.

It is natural, living and easily digestible food. This also contains ferments, antioxidants and other important nutrients that  are naturally put together in the body to provide the best possible care for the young baby.

The benefits of breastfeeding for mothers 

Breastfeeding enables mother and child to form  a strong bond. This unique experience strengthens the very special bond on an emotional and physical level.

The benefits of breastfeeding are fundamental to the mother’s health in the short and long term. It was found that there is a connection between breastfeeding and an up to four times lower risk of breast, uterine and ovarian cancer. It can also prevent urinary tract infections.

Later ovulation

When the mother is breastfeeding, less estrogen is produced. This delays ovulation longer and menstruation comes at a later point in time. However, women who bottle feed their babies usually have their first period as early as six to eight weeks after giving birth.

If menstruation is absent for a long time, the iron level remains constant and anemia can be prevented. The milk quality is also better as a result. 

Because ovulation is delayed, breastfeeding can be considered a natural contraceptive that is  up to 98-99% effective in the first six months after giving birth. The body can recover better and faster this way. The time depends on how long the mother breastfeeds and how much milk the baby drinks.

Influence of hormones

The benefits of breastfeeding can also be attributed to the changes in the hormonal balance that it causes. Because more oxytocin is produced, postpartum bleeding is less and the uterus contracts faster to return to its normal shape. This helps the body get back to normal faster.

Because oxytocin levels rise during breastfeeding,  the mother is less prone to postpartum depression. Because this hormone provides positive feelings such as love and happiness, which also strengthens the bond between mother and child.

Oxytocin also has calming effects that are very beneficial against stress. In this way, this hormone helps the new mother to adapt better to her new situation and to be less nervous and anxious.

Breastfeeding mothers are therefore less prone to depression. This is due, among other things, to the direct contact between mother and baby when breastfeeding.

When breastfeeding, the bones are remineralized and the calcium level in the blood rises. This is important in preventing osteoporosis and arthritis. This is because the bones are weaker during pregnancy because the baby receives all the essential nutrients first.

Benefits of breastfeeding

Other benefits of breastfeeding for the mother

Not to be forgotten are the financial advantages of breastfeeding,  because breast milk is free and always available at the right temperature. Not so formula milk, which is not cheap and always has to be prepared correctly. It is also important to sterilize the bottles so that they are always aseptic as soon as the baby needs food. It takes more time than breastfeeding.

The benefits of breastfeeding for the mother are also aesthetic. Breastfeeding burns around 450 to 500 calories a day, which enables the mother to get rid of the extra weight more quickly after the pregnancy. So it will be easier for her to regain her normal weight after giving birth.

It has been found that breastfeeding also reduces the risk of high blood pressure in the long term. So there are many reasons in favor of breastfeeding. Because the benefits on a physical, emotional and financial level are numerous not only for the child, but also for the mother.

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