9 Short Jokes For Children

Humor is good for the soul and helps build strong relationships. That’s why we should make the youngest laugh now and then. Read on to discover nine short jokes for kids.
9 short jokes for kids

Not only do children like to hear jokes for children themselves , they also memorize them to tell their friends and thereby interact with them socially.

The watch at the doctor

This joke is simple and goes like this: “Once a clock went to the doctor and the doctor said, ‘You are not ticking properly anymore!'”

Such jokes for children are not offensive when told correctly.

The bee in reverse

“What is small, flies through the air and does“ mus, mus, mus, mus, …? ”

“A bee in reverse gear”

This joke only works if the child already has an idea of ​​the sound bees make and what reverse gear is. This joke is very good because it isn’t rude and it doesn’t belittle other people. Rather, it is  innocent mischief and a childish play on words.

A little math joke

In math class, the teacher asks Jamie, “If I have 4 apples in my left hand and 6 in my right hand, what do I have?”

Jamie replies, “Pretty big hands, teacher.”

The thief in the circus

“What does a thief do in the circus?”


This is a great joke for kids learning to spell and distinguish homophones. 

Short jokes for children encourage interaction

Johnny the confused

Johnny says, “Mom, at school they say I’m easily distracted.”

To which the neighbor replies: “Johnny, you are in the wrong house!”

This joke for children also brings the little ones closer to logical thinking. In this way they link their ideas with contexts and develop their personality and social bonds.

Word games as jokes for children

Ask your child: “Which fruit has no courage?”

After thinking, you answer “The Fig” while fearfully hiding behind your hands.

Such short jokes for children are also good for children who can spell and know that words may sound the same but can be spelled differently and have different meanings.

Short jokes for children encourage spelling

Space jokes

“What style of music do planets like?”


Or another:

“What is green and what flies in space?”

“A salad elite”

Your child will love combining two words when retelling these jokes! These jokes are also a great way to spark creativity.

School vacation physics

“Why is the summer vacation 6 weeks and the Christmas vacation only 2 to 3 weeks?”

“Because the physics teacher already knew that everything expands in the heat and contracts in the cold.”

The first time you tell jokes like this for children, you may be able to explain a little why most fabrics expand when heated.

Knock-knock jokes are great

There are hundreds of knock-knock jokes. You can use them to entertain your children for hours. The first and second lines are always the same in knock-knock jokes.

For the fourth line, the third line is repeated and “who” is added at the end, as if the child asks who is knocking on the door.

Here’s an example:

You start with: “Knock, knock!”

Your child gives the standard answer: “Who’s there?”

You say: “gold”

Your child asks: “Gold who?”

You answer: “Goldfinger”

The laughter will be great!

Such short jokes for children can often make your child laugh. Best of all, there are plenty of other jokes out there.

Your child will listen carefully to the jokes. It will try to memorize them to recount them later in school. It is the center of attention for a few minutes and can make new friends.

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