Hair Loss After Childbirth: What Can You Do?

Unfortunately, hair loss occurs in around half of all women after giving birth to their child. Even if the hair grows back, something should be done about it. Find out what you can do if you have hair loss after giving birth in this article.
Hair Loss After Childbirth: What To Do?

During pregnancy, many expectant mothers enjoy great head of hair due to the hormonal changes, but this is often over after the birth of the child. The hair becomes dull and increasingly falls out. But what can you do about  hair loss after the birth  of a child?

Read on to learn more about it. 

Causes of hair loss after childbirth

Postpartum hair loss, also known as postpartum effluvium, is quite normal. It can be caused by hormonal changes, malnutrition or stress.

Estrogens have a positive effect on the hair structure during pregnancy. If their concentration decreases after birth, however, the hair loses vitality.

The birth of the baby affects all of life. The resulting changes can cause stress in the new mother. The body increases its androgen production to counteract stress. The hormonal balance becomes unbalanced, which can lead to hair loss.

Fatigue and iron deficiency (caused by the high blood loss) can also be responsible for hair loss.

Woman is upset about hair loss after childbirth

6 tips to prevent hair loss after childbirth

Pay particular attention to a healthy lifestyle!

1. Eat a balanced diet

Diet is essential for healthy hair. If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and drink enough water, you protect your hair roots and prevent the hair from falling out.

2. Take nutritional supplements

Even if fruits and vegetables contain many nutrients, additional dietary supplements are advisable. These include: biotin, vitamin B, vitamin E and vitamins B3, B6 and B5.

3. Use appropriate shampoo and conditioner

Choose the most natural, gentle shampoo possible with a skin-friendly pH. Massage the shampoo gently onto the scalp to stimulate blood circulation.

4. Take care of your hair

Whenever possible,  let your hair air dry and avoid using a blow dryer or straightening iron so as not to damage your hair further from these heat treatments.

5. Take care of your hair gently

Use products that strengthen and restore your hair. You can also use home remedies. Avoid rubbing the towel too much as it dries, as this could damage the hair. 

Woman reacts with horror to hair loss after childbirth

6. Avoid too much stress

A mother’s life can be stressful. Lack of sleep and caring for the baby can cause stress and increase postpartum hair loss.

Take care of yourself and try to find some rest despite all the work. Meet up with friends or treat yourself to a break over a romantic dinner with your partner!

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