10 Tips For The Day Of Childbirth

Everything will go well, but we still have a few tips for you so that you can enjoy the unrepeatable experience as best as possible on the day of delivery.
10 tips for the day of delivery

After nine months of pregnancy, the day of delivery comes  a unique experience when you can take your long-awaited child in your arms.

Everything will go well, but we still have a few tips for you so that you can enjoy the unrepeatable experience as best as possible on the day of delivery  .

10 tips for the day of delivery

The hospital bag

As the date for your child’s birth approaches, think about what you will need in the hospital. You should pack your hospital bag in good time,  because as soon as the time comes, everything has to be done quickly. 

The bag should be big enough so that you can take all of your things and your baby’s things with you. There are special bags for this occasion,  but a normal suitcase or sports bag is also sufficient.

Documents for the day of delivery

Woman thinks about the day of childbirth

Before you go out, make sure you have the correct documentation with you. A good tip: Prepare everything a few weeks before the due date, or a few months earlier if you wish. 

Keep the necessary documents in your hospital bag. Don’t forget: ID card, insurance card, medical reports (ultrasound, analyzes, medication, etc.).

What all you need

Not every hospital will provide you with all the things you need, so you should inquire early to be prepared.

For yourself, pack nightgowns with buttons on the front for easy breastfeeding, nursing bras, underwear, a toiletry bag, slippers, and comfortable clothes for leaving the clinic.

For your baby, you will need some pajamas, bodysuits, diapers, wet wipes, soap, moisturizer,  pacifier, buttock cream, cap, gloves, blanket and clothes for the way home.

Technological devices

Don’t forget to  bring your phone and charger with you. As soon as your little darling arrives, you will want to share this with your family and friends. Send them a selfie! You will receive many calls and congratulations.

Mother’s beauty

That may sound unimportant, but a visit to the hairdresser a few days before the planned  day of delivery is  definitely worth it.

It’s not just about the doctors seeing your legs. It is also a fact that you will run out of time after giving birth!
Don’t forget to tie your hair up on the day of delivery because you will get a surgical cap.  A good tip: use dry shampoo! 

No cosmetic products on the day of delivery

Before admission to the hospital, shower yourself with soap and avoid using body lotion, so as not to complicate the doctor’s work in the event that surgical intervention becomes necessary.

You shouldn’t paint your nails either, because if  the oxygen supply is disrupted, the doctors can tell by the changed color of your fingernails. 

However, if your fingernails are varnished, this is not possible.


You want to capture the unique day of the delivery safely so that you can show the photos to your child later.

Many private clinics have a photographer available to put together a photo book, but this can be expensive.

But your partner can certainly take great souvenir photos of this very special day in your life.

Drink and eat beforehand

Woman just before the day of childbirth

Eat some bread or skimmed yoghurt, fruit, a fruit juice …

One study found that the recommendation not to eat anything during dilation is doubtful. Women at low risk of complications are advised to have light meals before giving birth.

The way to the hospital

You and your partner have to think about the shortest route to the hospital where you will give birth to your child.

Traffic is likely to be limited in the early morning, but if you have to go to the hospital at rush hour, traffic jams can occur and you should know alternative routes.

Between 1% and 2% of births begin without the woman being aware of contractions. If this happens and you don’t get to the hospital on time, call 112. 

Joy on the day of delivery

It is very rare now that a woman has no idea what to expect on the day of delivery.

Many new mothers want skin contact right after their child is born, which means that they can place their little baby on their breasts.

This process usually takes half an hour. During this time, the newborn will try to nourish itself, thereby stimulating milk production.

It is also very important to be friendly with the midwife and all of the hospital staff, as  each and every one of them has an important role to play in helping to ensure that everything goes well and for the best. 

You can now prepare everything. We wish you good luck!

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