The Legacy Of Being A Good Father

Our fathers leave a legacy of lessons that will help us face life with greater courage and confidence.
The legacy of being a good father

Rousseau once said that a good father is worth a hundred teachers. Indeed, if we think about it, few people leave emotional marks on our memories this early, such a deep and decisive impression.

When a father takes his children in his arms, he protects them and gives them strength. He takes their fears, comforts them and puts a smile on their little faces.

There are few places more comforting and peaceful than this perfect little place between the Father’s chest and arms. It’s one of those special places where we can feel his heartbeat.

What we all know is that the role of parents is not just one gender. Mothers and fathers are responsible for the children. They are teachers and strong role models in the lives of their sons and daughters.

In addition, more and more women are now taking their place in the labor market and in the business world. As a result, men have a more active role in caring for and raising their children.

Many fathers now do their share of the housework. There are even men who choose to be single parents.

In the past, the man in the family was more of the “provider”. They only helped when necessary.

Their role in raising the children has been largely passive. Nowadays that is changing.

father and son
Although fathers cannot breastfeed, they are playing an increasingly active role in feeding the little ones.

They too wake up a thousand times during the night and get little sleep. They change diapers and hold their baby with the same love and tenderness as the mother. And they have the same need to be close to their children.

This is what we want to talk about today at  I am a mother .

The virtues of a good father remain in a child’s heart forever

We live in a world where it seems like nothing is forever. As the late sociologist Zygmunt Bauman said, we are determined by a society in flux that throws everything away. Things only last briefly and are replaced by others in our infinite greed. Everything is consumed and everything is experimented with …

As our children grow up, they can get carried away with this consumerist tendency. But there is one thing that always keeps them ingrained – our children will always retain the lasting virtues of a good father who led them.

A father’s influence is never exhausted and can never be replaced.

Every piece of advice, every meaningful memory, every hug … These moments are like cubes of sugar that dissolve in the child’s heart, filling them with sweetness, magic and determination. And that is exactly what is permanent, constant and eternal.

It is a wise father who knows his own child

William Shakespeare said one thing: “ It is a wise father who knows his own child. “Without a doubt he was right.

Raising children is nothing more than forming thoughts, giving concrete ideas and directing tendencies, desires and passions. A good father is one who tries every day to get to know his child.

He guides their emotions, helps channel them, and knows their interests, passions, and dreams. He also helps them build their own strong, healthy, free and unique identity.

To be a father is to remember that you were once a child yourself

Father with son at the computer

We are often reminded that we should never lose sight of our inner child. A good father is a man who understands his responsibilities.

He knows that he has to take care of himself emotionally and psychologically in order to be able to give his best. At the same time, a good father always stays connected to his inner child.

  • As a result, he retains the ability to enjoy the moment. He sees the present as a place where anything is possible. His child lives in a world full of excitement, hope, improvisation, happy play, laughter and lightness …
  • Children love to play with the great hero who is their father. A good father enjoys spending time with his children and remembering his own childhood. He grimaces, runs around with them, sings and makes them laugh until they are exhausted …

The best legacy a good father can leave his child is TIME

With  I am a mother , we emphasize this all the time. The best gift we can give to our little ones is the gift of time.

Children need our attention, meaningful moments. You have to create those moments that will stay in their hearts forever.

A good father knows that and how to separate work from family time. He makes a point of taking the time to give care and affection to his children.

He understands that it’s the top priority. A good father knows that his life is meaningless if he does not spend time with his children every day.

Father with son on couch

Everything a father gives his children is treasure that they will remember forever. Children will never forget those protective hugs that made them feel so safe, so protected, so loved.

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