Preparations For Your Newborn: 9 Tips

First of all, your newborn baby takes all of your attention. Still, there are a few things that you need to do.
Preparing for your newborn: 9 tips

The excitement when you finally hold your newborn in your arms makes you forget the pain and worries. But there are new tasks waiting for you now. There are a few things you need to do and organize, among other things.

At that moment, the emotions may make you forget that there are various preparations to be made. We remind you of this in our article today. 

What things should you do for your newborn baby?

Register the child

It is very important to register the child with the registry office in the first week after the birth. You will then receive a birth certificate, which is necessary for other formalities.

Various documents are required for registration:  medical certificate, identity card of the mother and, if applicable, of the father, if applicable, marriage certificate or the parentage or birth certificate of the mother, if she is single. Acknowledgment of paternity and a declaration of custody are also important in some cases.

Of course  , the baby’s name must be determined beforehand  But you probably already thought about that during your pregnancy.

Prepare the house

It is best to prepare everything at home while you are pregnant.  When you come back from the hospital with your baby, you will find a decent home where everything is already ready for the child.

You have probably already thought about  where your little one should sleep. And of course the cradle with bedding is already in the right place.

Registration with the health insurance company

Your newborn is automatically insured with you as soon as it sees the light of day.

However, if one parent is privately insured and has a higher income than the parent insured  with the statutory health insurance, the baby cannot be included in the insurance free of charge. Then the offspring must be registered with the private cash register.

Do some research before your baby is born.

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Find a good pediatrician

A good pediatrician can spot unusual things. He regularly checks your baby’s health so that nothing goes undetected.

Look for recommendations to  help you find the best pediatrician. 

Vaccination certificate

Your doctor will also inform you about mandatory and voluntary vaccinations and give you a vaccination certificate. Find out about this topic at an early stage so that you are well informed. 

Cord blood

The umbilical cord blood is an excellent source of stem cells. Think about it in good time whether you want to store it so that it is available to your child. This could potentially cure diseases in the future.

Inform yourself well!

Read a lot during pregnancy in order to be sufficiently informed about everything. In this way you can reduce stress and worries,  because after all you want to do everything for the best of your child.

This way you know early on about all the things you need to do after giving birth.

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Give your baby a lot of love

Babies relax when they see that their parents are protecting them. Attachment will develop over time. It is important that you show him your love every day.

A study by Duke University in the US shows that more neurons die in children who don’t get enough hugs.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself

Your newborn will take up the majority of your time in the first few weeks. But you also have to take care of your own health. 

See your doctor for advice on what you can do to strengthen your immune system. You should also give in to sporting activities and take a breather every now and then!

Hormone fluctuations after pregnancy can affect your mood. If you feel that you cannot control your emotions, you should seek advice from a specialist.

If it is a question of postpartum depression, this can be treated by a doctor.

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