13 Mistakes We Make In Disciplining Our Children

Disciplining our children is one of the most sensitive acts in the entire process of bringing up children. Finding the right methods to do this can take some time.
13 mistakes we make in disciplining our children

The disciplining of our children is one of the most sensitive actions throughout the educational process. Finding the right methods to do this can take time. However, it will bring you many satisfactions and enjoyable moments in family life.

The following points are some of the most common misconduct we parents make when it comes to establishing discipline in the home.

What should be considered in disciplining our children?

  • Break the rules you made. If you tell your child that they can’t watch TV without doing their homework and then allow them to, the rule completely loses its validity. If the instruction you give at the beginning is not followed exactly, the children will have an obscure authority; You will be giving them a double message that is inconsistent.
  • Take into account the age of the children. Before we discipline our children, we need to consider the characteristics of their age. Corrective interventions should not be performed equally at every age. Use different voices, don’t let wrong behaviors happen. Above all, always respect the rules you have set.
  • Avoid yelling when giving instructions. A raised voice isn’t the best way to get your kids to do what you expect them to. The body’s automatic response to a scream is to fight back, to do the right thing.
  • Use more time out. Time out is very effective in allowing your children to calm down and think about unacceptable behavior. Too frequent or prolonged use, however, undermines their effectiveness. Remember that time off should be one minute for each year of life.
    Kind liegt auf dem Boden, weil es eine Auszeit bekommen hat

    Keep these tips in mind too

    • Don’t be so unspecific. If you find behavior inappropriate, it is important to be clear about what you say and what should not be repeated. Be clear so the children know exactly what is causing the family to feel uncomfortable.
    • Take into account the educational value of information and education. What is sought in behavior correction is to get the child to understand why what they did is wrong. If there is no reflection while talking to your children, whatever action you take will make little sense.
    • Don’t forget love It is important that you establish an emotional connection before disciplining a child. Children should know that they are loved unconditionally. Even if they did something that needs improvement. The punishment should not have any associations that separate them emotionally.
      Die Mutter redet mit ihrem Kind zusammen am Tisch, um die Disziplinierung ihres Kindes zu erreichen.

      Consistency is fundamental!

      • Reward them for good behavior. Giving them a piece of candy or a gift in exchange for good behavior will work in the short term. But it has no real impact on the child’s values. The reward should be the satisfaction of getting things right.
      • Don’t bring past mistakes into the present. Every situation is different and individual. If you are attracting your children’s attention, focus on what happened at the right time.
      • Don’t turn against the person. Corrections should focus on the behavior, not the person. Avoid using adjectives that define them as “bad”, “inattentive”, “messy” and so on. Suggestions should be free from personal criticism.
      • Do what you say It is by no means conclusive that you should ask for quiet around the house; Parents are the children’s role models, and the attitudes they often have are a response to imitating what you do. Put into practice all of the values ​​and actions your children should have.
      • Don’t punish something you haven’t seen. Especially in sibling battles there is a tendency to give instructions and punishments without knowing the situation exactly. Make sure you understand the situation before deciding what action to take.
      • Get to the bottom of the problem. Before you hold your children responsible for not doing what you asked them to do, make sure there is nothing stopping them from doing it. Evaluate the circumstances in order to make a decision or select the correct corrective agent for each case.

        You need to be consistent and loving in disciplining in order to achieve your goal.

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