Motherhood At 40

Motherhood at 40 is not uncommon these days.
Motherhood at 40

It is more and more common for women to postpone motherhood. The reasons for this are diverse. Some just feel not ready yet or the work and professional environment do not allow an earlier pregnancy. Motherhood at 40 is no longer uncommon these days.

The normalization of this fact has the consequence that  motherhood at 40 years or more is not only a possible, but also a positive option.

In addition to professional and economic growth, there is also the personal decision to enjoy the youth. Only then do many women think that the time for motherhood has come when they have fulfilled their dreams. You start thinking about starting a family.

It is not a problem if a woman decides to have a child at 40 as the ideal time depends on how she is feeling and how she is taking care of her body and health.

Thanks to numerous scientific advances, there are no longer many complications that can be dangerous to a late pregnancy.

An ace up your sleeve: maturity

Some time ago, motherhood at 40 was a rarity. Today, late motherhood is a new trend. After a certain age, women are more cautious and confident. In addition, the children of older mothers tend to have better physical and mental health due to the mother’s behavior and precautions during pregnancy.

In general, women who postpone motherhood have chosen to prioritize their careers. A missing job or a stable partnership are also sufficient reasons to wait for the right time.

There are many advantages to motherhood at 40.  Most women of this age have a stable partnership and a secure economic situation.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, around 5% of births are in women at the age of 40 – and the trend is rising. On the other hand, experts assure that the ideal biological age for mothers is between 18 and 35 years of age.

Benefits of motherhood at 40

Pregnancy is a time of great responsibility and dedication. If you decide to become a mom at this age, it is because you have carefully considered all of your options.

The positive thing about motherhood at 40 is that the mother is more mature and more responsible. Her professional career is well established, she usually has a stable partner and she uses her autonomy correctly.

Once the economic constraints of adolescence have been overcome, a mother of 40 is an ideal option. Women of this age are usually in a better economic situation and have more time to devote themselves to the children.

Risks of Late Motherhood

The number of women who have children after the age of 40 has quadrupled in the last 30 years.

But the World Health Organization believes that any pregnancy after age 35 should be considered a risk pregnancy.

Also, keep in mind that getting pregnant at 40 is more difficult. The number of egg cells is steadily decreasing. This is why experts recommend fertility treatments such as egg donation.

The mother’s age can be a risk factor for some problems during pregnancy such as:

  • Miscarriages
  • Premature births
  • Malformations
  • Chromosomal abnormalities in the child (e.g. Down syndrome)
  • High blood pressure and diabetes in the mother

As mentioned earlier, pregnancy monitoring is much stricter and the advancement of science is already allowing us to detect fetal abnormalities or deformities in the early stages of pregnancy.

If the mother is well cared for during pregnancy, the risks are reduced and the result is a successful birth.

If women over 40 have difficulty getting pregnant, the numerous fertilization options should not be ruled out. For this it is necessary to get good advice from the doctor.

If you are this age and are thinking about getting pregnant (or already are), remember that you need to prepare your body for the baby to be born. Pay even more attention to your health and weight and do not smoke. Motherhood at 40 is possible, but be aware that necessary precautions should be taken. 

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