You Shouldn’t Say That To A New Mother

In the baby’s first months of life, the mother’s hormonal balance is still unbalanced and everything that can cause irritability is new. Some of the comments that the mother has to listen to are well-intentioned, but they often lead to opposite feelings. 
You shouldn't tell a new mom that

The greatest joy of a  new mom  is to pamper and care for her child and to watch him develop daily. However, this undoubtedly also means great effort and an exhausting daily rhythm.

In the baby’s first months of life, the mother’s hormonal balance is still unbalanced and everything that can cause irritability is new. Some of the comments that the mother has to listen to are well-intentioned, but they often lead to opposite feelings. 

Then it comes down to things you should never say to a  new mom  because she might take it wrong. 

What you should never tell a new mom

Are you going to work

If you’re not the new mom’s boss, don’t ask yourself this question. Because it is quite normal that the mother does not want to separate from her baby.

She may start working sooner or later, but  it is a personal decision that only she can make on her own. 

Is the baby good?

What do you mean with that? Isn’t the baby good when he cries a lot? Is it bad then? It is not a good idea to ask a mother if her baby is good. The child is what it is, regardless of whether it cries or sleeps more or less. 

His needs have to be met, but that has nothing to do with whether the child is good or not. All babies are wonderful, unique creatures. 

Don’t carry it in your arms so often

A baby is not pampered when in the arms of a mother or father. On the contrary:  it needs the warmth and hugs of its parents.

Contact and tenderness help the child to regulate their emotions  and to feel loved and secure.

If, as a mother, you feel that your baby needs you now, then take her in your arms. It will be grateful to you for that. You also promote the development and emotional bond with your child. 

Baby with his new mother

Let it cry, it won’t happen in anything

You shouldn’t tell a new mom that either,  because it doesn’t. A baby doesn’t have many expressive options. When they cry, they are telling you that they need something or that something is wrong.

Do you know what happens when you make it cry? Your little one will feel abandoned and think that crying cannot cause their loved ones to care for them.

The baby will stop and cry less and less and less. But the emotional damage in his brain can have serious consequences: it can have a very negative effect on self-esteem and future emotional development.

When your child is crying, discover what they are trying to tell you. Always treat it lovingly and take care of your little darling! 

Mother and baby

Are you pregnant again?

After the baby is born, it takes a woman a few months (sometimes years) for a woman’s body to return to normal. Some women have great difficulty regaining their normal weight afterwards.

Not every woman has time to go to the gym or work out at home to maintain her figure.

A pregnant woman’s belly doesn’t go away overnight. It can take several months for the new mother’s figure to “normalize” again.

You  should therefore never ask a new mom if she’s pregnant again just because you can still see a tummy. If this is actually the case, sooner or later she will tell you herself.

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