Babies’ Milk Needs By Age Group

Parents always have a keen interest in the normal and healthy development of their babies. This is why they often worry about babies’ milk needs, depending on their age group.
Babies' milk needs by age group

Breastfeeding or bottle feeding your baby is an easy way to find out baby’s recommended milk needs . Although there is a standard amount depending on the month of life, it can vary from baby to baby.

Babies’ milk requirement for breast milk

It is best to breastfeed the baby for the first six months. If you do not offer your milk in a bottle, it will not be possible to accurately determine the milk needs of babies . However, you can remember the following information.

When feeding, one or both breasts are usually completely emptied. Breastfeeding should take about 10 minutes in total, as the consumption of the milk takes about 5 minutes and the child needs about 5 minutes to completely absorb the milk. Also, keep in mind that some babies suckle faster than others.

The milk needs of babies in different age groups

If you are a foster mother or cannot breastfeed for medical reasons, milk supplements are also very suitable. You should also check the amount of breast milk from the bottle.

In the first few weeks of life, it is important to feed the baby as needed. That is, as often and as much as the newborn wants.

On the other hand, as your baby gets older, you need to control the amount of breast milk or milk supplements to maintain a healthy weight. Therefore, it will help you to know the amounts recommended by the specialists:

Babies aged 0 to 2 months

They usually need 60 to 120 ml every 3-4 hours. Some babies prefer an interval of 4 to 5 hours. If necessary, you can wake the baby to feed.

Babies 3 to 6 months of age

During this phase , babies drink around 120 to 180 ml with each meal. At night they can have longer periods of sleep, with some even sleeping through the night. If this is the case with your child, you don’t need to wake them up either.

In the first few weeks of life, babies' milk needs should be satisfied as needed.

Milk needs of babies aged 7 to 12 months

Your baby can drink 3 to 5 bottles a day for a total of 240 ml of milk. If you’ve got your baby used to other foods, you can leave more time between meals.

From the age of 12 months you can feed cow’s milk with the permission of your pediatrician. It can be up to 2 glasses a day. You can also add yogurt or cheese to them.

How do you know you are feeding babies’ proper milk needs?

You may notice a few gestures in your baby that indicate that you are feeding the right amount of milk for babies at the right month of life. Signs of saturation are, for example, turning away or closing your mouth when you want to give him the bottle.

Sometimes they relax right after eating and just fall asleep. Other indicators include the number of times the child was fed, weight gain, number of full diapers, and bowel movements, which should occur 3 to 4 times a day.

Types of milk supplements

There are three types of dairy supplements that many children need to get used to due to different circumstances. They are the following:

  • Ready-to-use milk: this milk is very convenient as it does not need to be prepared. However, it is more expensive.
  • Liquid concentrate: Here you have to mix a part of liquid milk with the same amount of water.
  • Powdered milk: Mix 60 ml of water with 1 tablespoon of powdered milk. This milk is the most recommended because it has a longer shelf life after opening. It is also the cheapest.
  • There are also special milk products for children with special needs, such as reflux preparations and preparations for premature babies or babies with a low birth weight. There are also special soy-based, hypoallergenic milk supplements and milk for babies with heart disease.

These types of milk contain nutrients that are very similar to breast milk. They thus contribute to the strengthening of the body’s immune system and the body’s defenses . They also contain minerals and vitamins.

Babies' milk needs can also be met with milk supplements.

How does an allergy to dairy products show?

Signs of allergy are red, itchy rashes on the face and anus. The baby may also have diarrhea or constipation. Sometimes the bowel movements are few and hard.

In other cases, the baby is irritable and crying or vomiting right after eating. Sometimes the baby is too restless to sleep through the night. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop feeding dairy supplements and see your baby’s doctor right away.

The correct feeding of your baby with the right milk requirements for babies and the right frequency according to the age group is one of the most important tasks as a parent. Therefore, inform yourself thoroughly and adhere to the established guidelines. Also involve the pediatrician.

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