When Do Babies Start Walking?

Do you wish that your little one finally started walking? Then there are a few things to consider in order to find out if your child is ready. When the time to get started, the tips in this article will help you.
When do babies start walking?

All of this is made worse by the impatience parents feel. In fact , remember that babies don’t  run until they feel ready to walk. 

If you want to learn more about this long-awaited moment, read on now!

In this article we explain what to expect and how you can support your child’s development so that they can start walking.

At what age do babies start walking?

The answer to that may seem daunting, but the fact is, there is n’t a set age at which babies start walking. Because this is a completely natural process that depends on many factors – similar to the first words and the first crawl.

Babies usually start taking their first steps between the ages of 9 and 12 months. Still, you shouldn’t worry if your child is a late bloomer and needs a few months longer. As long as your baby is otherwise normal, there is nothing to worry about.

The physical development and constitution is different for every child.

Therefore, it is impossible to pinpoint a specific age at which to start walking is “normal”. Even so, it is important to emphasize that if your baby has not started walking by the age of 18 months, you should seek advice from a pediatrician .

Learn to walk

What can I do if my baby doesn’t start running in time?

If your baby is 18 months old and has still not taken the first steps, you should ask your trusted doctor for advice.

During the exam, your doctor will do a few routine tests to determine your child’s general health. Here are some of the factors that can hinder your first run:

  • The baby is very good at crawling and does not need to walk to move.
  • It is a calm, reserved child and does not want to take risks yet.
  • Its development process has slowed down due to genetic problems or it was a premature baby.
  • It is a little overweight, which makes it difficult to move around.
  • Lack of stimulation.
  • Vision or hearing problems that affect your balance.
  • Certain psychomotor delays for the pediatrician to identify.

Exercises to help your baby learn to walk

There are certain “exercises” that you can try with your baby when he starts walking. They help him keep his balance and not trip over.

Of course, you can only use these exercises when the child is ready to learn to walk for the first time. How do you find out?

You will notice that the child is strong enough to stand on their own two feet – with or without help – and may even be trying to take a first step.

One of these exercises is to put your baby’s feet in front of you, hold their hands, and gently push their feet with your feet. You can count out loud.

This will allow your baby to hear your voice and help them focus on their first steps.

Learn to walk

It might also help to put your child in a playpen and get them to hold onto the grille. For example, you could lure them with a favorite toy so they’ll be happy when they can reach and grab the toy.

Gradually, your child will then be encouraged to walk without having to hold on to anything.

Always be extra careful with these exercises and make sure that your baby does not fall and injure himself. Because this could then even make your child fearful of walking.

Also, don’t forget to be patient and be happy for your baby. Good things take time. What could be better than enjoying this wonderful phase of your baby and watching his development!

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