The Adventure Of Being A Mother

Being a mother is an adventure that brings with it an endless amount of work, hectic and bustle every day. When you become a mother for the first time, you will strive for perfection at first, but this usually takes its toll. It is therefore important to take the pressure off yourself.
The adventure of being a mother

Today’s children will be tomorrow’s adults. That said, being  a mother comes with a serious responsibility.

The way we care for and raise our children , and the good or bad choices we make about them, will affect us in the future. And this should not be taken lightly.

Our society has different views on motherhood. What do you think about it?

Welcome to the “Mother” adventure!

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

When you become a mother for the first time, you will want to do everything perfectly and be up to date on all things. But by doing so, you are only taking on a huge emotional and physical burden that will ultimately take its toll.

“I had great expectations when my first child was born,” says Janet Penley, writer and mother. “I wanted to be the best mother who ever lived, and I’ve read all the books and listened to all the specialists. But instead of feeling satisfied and empowered, in the end I was just incapable and stressed. “

She further explains, “When you try to meet other people’s expectations and adapt to an“ ideal ”prototype, you feel discouraged. It also creates insecurity and feelings of guilt. “

Being a mother means change

If you both off-site work, and at home are doing a all the housework, this can create great stress in your life. So, try to make positive changes that will help you feel less stressed out. Maybe you can reduce your working hours or commute less to work.

Regardless, however, you should always remember that you are a good mother. Even if you are not able to do everything the way you want to.

Being a mother also means gurgling yourself up to recharge your batteries

Simplify your life

Sometimes being a mother also means thinking about the life we ​​lead and the life we ​​really want.

We can decide whether we really need all that we have or whether we can actually be satisfied with less. Because this way we can invest more time in what is really important, e.g. our family and ourselves.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Many mothers believe that they have to do anything without help. They believe when they ask for help that they are not up to motherhood and are failing in their role of being a mother.

Nothing could be further from the truth! It is best to ask your family or trusted friends for support so they can help you. Because they are always there for you.

When you have a partner, working together is of course essential when it comes to taking care of the child or children, housework, shopping, visits to the doctor and whatever else is necessary.

You will certainly appreciate the help others can give you very much and see it as valuable.

Take time for yourself

As we mentioned earlier, being a mom means embarking on an adventure for the rest of your life. To be a mother also means to face an endless mountain of work, hectic and hustle and bustle every day.

However, you must never forget how valuable you are. And the first person who should be convinced of this is yourself.

Therefore, it is important that you take quality time off for yourself. This means doing activities that you loved to do before you became a mother and that made you happy.

Try to find time to:

  • to go out with your friends
  • to have a coffee
  • to go shopping,
  • to sleep more or
  • Engage in other activities that will energize you.

For example, exercise to clear your mind and feel good.

When you have a partner, take the time to be alone together and do things together so that you can feel closer and strengthen your love.

Child and mother are close

Being a mother is an adventure that brings tremendous changes for:

  • our body,
  • our time,
  • our friendships,
  • life as a couple  and
  • ultimately almost every other aspect of our life.

And it’s also a unique experience that allows you to grow as a woman and appreciate what’s really important in your life.

So the question that arises for all women is: Do you want to experience the adventure of being a mother?

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