6 Tips For Your Newborn’s First Bath

For new mothers, bathing their newborns for the first time can be nerve-wracking. Many women are unsure how best to hold their little one or what preparations to make. But there is nothing to worry about. Today we want to give you some advice for this particular experience.
6 tips for your newborn's first bath

It’s normal for new mothers to have tons of questions when it comes to how best to care for their tiny newborn – especially when it comes to the baby’s first bath.

Many of the frequently asked questions have to do with holding the baby correctly so that the baby does not slip or fall.

Mothers are also often unsure when the time is right for their baby’s first bath.

And of course there are also many doubts about the right water temperature.

While you may be a little scared or worried about your baby’s first bath, it will no doubt be an unforgettable experience.

Bathing your little baby is a wonderful opportunity to convey love and security. Therefore, it is worth the effort to learn the correct technique.

So what do you need to know before your baby’s first bath? Read on and find out!

1. When is the right time for your baby’s first bath?

Specialists recommend giving your baby their first bath between 7-15 days of age. By then, the umbilical cord will definitely have fallen off and infections are no longer a threat.

Make sure to keep the bath short – no more than 5 minutes.

2. What is the ideal water temperature to bathe a newborn baby?

Your baby’s bath water should be around 37 to 38 degrees. To control the temperature of the water, you can put your elbow or forearm in the tub.

Using your hands to test the temperature is not a good idea because hands are already used to frequent temperature changes.

When it comes to how full the bath should be, stick to about four inches of water.

This will allow you to lower your baby to the bottom of the tub and avoid the risk of slipping or falling while you bathe.

3. What do I need for my baby’s first bath?

Before you fill the bowl or tub and put your baby in the water, make sure you have everything on hand that you will need later.

Once your baby’s bath has started, you won’t be able to go away to get anything that you have forgotten.

You will also feel more secure if you have everything prepared and ready while you bathe your little one for the first time in their life.

Of course, you need a place where you can bathe your baby, such as a large bowl or portable tub.

You will also need some space around it so that you can carefully undress your baby there. You should keep the toiletries you will need within easy reach.

These will likely include: tear-free baby shampoo, neutral soap, baby oil, washcloths, a towel, a clean diaper and clothes, and a comb or brush.

You can also consider using petroleum jelly, cotton balls or a sterile gauze bandage, and alcohol on the skin.

The first bath

6 tips for your baby’s first bath

Many babies feel comfortable and at home the first time you put them in the bath water.

This is because it reminds them of the nine months they spent in the womb, where they were surrounded by warm fluid.

When you bathe your newborn for the first time, keep the following suggestions in mind:

  1. Undress your baby completely and wrap them in a towel before taking them to the bathtub.
  2. Slowly hold your little one in the water little by little so that they don’t get scared. You should use one hand to support the baby’s head and neck.
  3. Use a minimal amount of soap to wash your baby’s body. You can start with the chest, arms, and hands before washing the baby’s legs below. Finally, you can gently turn your baby over so you can wash his back and bottom. Keep in mind that a newborn’s skin is very delicate, so be extra gentle when washing and avoid scrubbing.
  4. After you’ve washed your baby’s body, you can focus on your head.
  5. Clean your baby’s eyes with sterile cotton or gauze and fresh water. Do not use the bath water for this. Gently wipe around your child’s tiny eyes, moving from the nose outward.
  6. Once you’ve mastered all of these steps, you can take your baby out of the tub and immediately wrap them in a clean towel.
  7. Finally, use a clean cotton ball or gauze bandage to clean the baby’s nose and ears. You should never clean the inside, only the outer surfaces of the ears and nose.

And you’re done! Now you just have to dress your little one and then you can enjoy the time after the bath and cuddle!

Other Recommendations

Here are a few more things to keep in mind when your baby is bathing:

  • You should never leave a baby alone in their bathroom – not even for a second.
  • Avoid using baby powder and perfumes during the first few months of your baby’s life, as these products can cause allergies and breathing difficulties.
  • Place your baby’s tub at a height that is comfortable for you to reach. After your baby’s bath, clean the tub thoroughly.
  • Also, make sure to smile at your child and talk to them while you bathe them. This will help keep your baby feeling safe and calm, and it’s also a great way to deepen your connection with your child.
  • If your baby starts screaming and crying while you are in the bath, don’t let that get you down. Your loving touch and voice as well as a calming environment and atmosphere will help your little one get used to bathing quickly. You will see – soon it will start enjoying bath time!

All in all, a baby’s first bath is one of the most pleasant and enjoyable moments parents can enjoy.

If you’re a first-time mom and have some concerns about your baby’s first bath, we’re sure you found our recommendations helpful.

If you can find the right moment when you and your baby are relaxed, then this experience is sure to be a very special one.

Try to convey calm and contentment. If you’re particularly nervous, you can always ask someone else to keep you company when you bathe your child.

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