Fathers Should Be Present At The Birth!

They play a crucial role and should therefore be present during the entire process.
Fathers should be there at the birth!

Fathers should be there at the birth!

A father is the other half that completes the process. He provides crucial support for the mother and he will receive and care for his little child with unbridled joy. That is why we believe that fathers should be present at the birth .

And yet the word “birth” still has an almost exclusively feminine connotation.

In the past, women were only accompanied by other women during childbirth. Some of them were midwives, others had similar skills. They knew what to do, how best to react and how to accompany the fresh mother.

The father, on the other hand, was usually behind closed doors. He suffered, he heard the noise and he waited.

Fathers should be there at the birth!

In the meantime, however, they have taken on a more active role where possible. The World Health Organization WHO definition of an appropriate and respectful birth actually includes the presence of the father.

Mothers should feel accompanied and feel a personal and emotional closeness, which should make the birth experience easier and more beautiful.

When the father is not in the delivery room, the mother experiences more stress.

Fathers should be there at the birth!

Fathers should be present at the birth! You shouldn’t be excluded. 

Birth is something natural and therefore the other protagonist should also be present in this intense act of love and pain. He cannot give birth, but he too suffers and is happily excited.

If we know one thing, it is the fact that not all mothers clearly remember their birth. There are several reasons for that:

  • The process lacks humanity: it is too mechanical. 
  • If the child came by caesarean section, then unfortunately she was separated from the baby afterwards.
  • There is no direct skin contact that enables relaxed getting to know each other.
  • Medication or complications fade memories.
  • Sometimes mothers feel alone and are afraid, especially when the father is not close.

Among all these factors, two emerge very clearly: First, the separation from the baby after birth. On the other hand, the lack of a partner.

Fathers should be there at the birth!

The stress that a mother experiences during childbirth increases exponentially again if the partner is not there. This aspect should definitely be considered.

The role of the father during pregnancy, childbirth and afterwards

Fathers should be there at the birth!

Sometimes we neglect the important role a father can play during pregnancy, childbirth, and the time thereafter. We know that almost all of the attention goes to the mother and child.

However, the father also has various responsibilities to perform while making the setting for the birth experience easier and magical. 

Let’s take a closer look at his role. 

The role of the father during childbirth

A father supports his wife every day of pregnancy. He is her accomplice. He is the other half of the project, with which the mother plans, dreams and agrees on a birthing process and the future way of raising children.

We also can not ignore the importance of emotional stability, which is so important to the health of both mother and child.

When the father acts like an ally and helps the partner deal with stress, when he gives her affection and constant support, it not only helps to strengthen the relationship, but also to a happier pregnancy.

  • Fathers should be present at the birth. For this it is recommended that they take part in preparation courses. This can help them understand the process that is ahead of them. There they also learn how to behave during childbirth so that they can give the mother the best possible support.

    Fathers should be there at the birth!

    During birth

    Fathers usually take care of the logistics. They organize, carry out, instruct. You have the phone in one hand and 10 more arms to carry all of your mother’s things.

    While the cervix is ​​expanding, they can help the mother breathe. 

    Fathers can provide constant support and show their face, which signals: “I’m here, everything is fine.”

    • Fathers should be present at the birth because this will reduce the stress that the mother goes through. Its presence conveys security.
    • It should also be the father who ensures the privacy of mother and child after the birth. He should regulate the visits of relatives and remind them of peace and privacy.

      After birth

      When a mother comes home after giving birth, she needs a lot of help: emotionally, practically, physically and also logistically.

      The Father is always there physically, in thought and in heart. He is part of this new life and will be there for the mother when she needs him. 

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