Tips From Montessori: This Is How Children Help In The Household

How can children learn to help out around the house independently? To do this, many parents use tips from Maria Montessori.
Tips from Montessori: This is how children help in the household

In this article, you’ll find some parenting tips from Montessori educator  to help raise independent children who help out with the household chores. These teachings are primarily based on care, love, and respect.

Maria Montessori was a respected Italian educator, scientist and philosopher. Her pedagogical methods, which were still considered radical at the time, focus on respecting children and building their confidence in their own abilities.

Thanks to their work, we now realize that children like little sponges soak up everything they see, feel and hear.

According to the Montessori philosophy, motivation is the key to learning. Knowledge should be discovered and imparted, but not learned into.

A child should learn to love and respect those around them. Unfortunately, Montessori’s innovative thinking was heavily criticized during her lifetime.

Today, however, many educational institutions have adopted Montessori’s teachings. There are now schools that bear her name and that base their curriculum on their methods.

But Montessori’s influence is not limited to the educational system. Many parents also use their tips to show children that they are self-sufficient at home.

Montessori tips

Children’s behavior is the result of their parents’ actions. No matter what parents do, their children will do the same.

When mom and dad riot and make fun of their children, they will grow up with insecurities. But if we teach our children to be righteous, most of them will be able to internalize it.

The same applies to our daily tasks. If children actively participate in the household, they will quickly learn to be independent.

The different stages of childhood have advantages and disadvantages, but children of all ages have a lot to offer. And what they cannot learn now, they will understand later.

Montessori tips for children aged 2 to 12

2-3 years

At this stage, children are too young to do most of the chores.

But you can start with small steps: Help set the table, pour water into glasses or even clean small areas with a dustpan and a hand brush.

You can also teach your child to always empty their plate and remove crumbs after meals.

4-5 years

Now you can teach your child to do certain tasks, such as setting the table for dinner or clearing dirty plates.

This is also a good age to start learning how a vacuum cleaner works and how to go shopping. The same goes for other chores like tending garden beds, watering plants, and feeding pets.

6-7 years

This is the perfect time to teach your child how to prepare simple meals and snacks. Washing dishes and emptying the dishwasher are other tasks that you can try out with your children.

At this age, your son or daughter will also be able to carefully peel, for example, carrots or potatoes, tend the garden and fold and stow clean socks.

8-9 years

In this phase, a child is easily able to always tidy up and clean his own things. Perhaps they can even learn how to make coffee or juice, recycle and take out the trash or clean smaller difficult surfaces (such as the refrigerator).

Also, this is a good age to learn how to load the dishwasher correctly. If your family has a pet, your child can now take care of the animal too.

10-11 years

This is the age at which a child should learn the basics of cooking and menu planning. Mowing the lawn and sewing are some of the other tasks that your child can now take on.

It can also learn to bring in the mail and vacuum the house.

12 years and older

At this stage of childhood, your son or daughter will be able to take on more complex tasks. At this age, children can wash the car, prepare light meals, and clean glassware.

You can also help paint, iron, and change lightbulbs on walls. Of course, this is also the perfect age to learn to look after your younger siblings.

Montessori tips

Basically, these Montessori tips are mostly based on respecting children. Don’t nag them when they make mistakes. After all, mistakes are the best way to learn.

Always be polite when talking to your son or daughter. Encourage them to achieve their goals and never make fun of them.

Listen to their ideas and problems and always be patient. If you treat your child with love, care, and respect, they will develop strong characters.

Be kind to your child and build their confidence so they won’t give up if something goes wrong.

This makes children independent and knows how to survive without you. But they will surely always admire you for being a person who has never lost faith in them.

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